What Is Celtic-style jewelry?
Celtic-style jewelry invokes beautiful images of times gone by where the expression of love was never purer. Although the Celts were made up of several different tribes, their shared beliefs in religion, tradition, culture, and their rites spread throughout Europe as early as 1200 B. C. Their legacy seems to have taken root in Ireland and Great Britain, where it is still possible to find traces of their culture and language to this day.
Even though historians and archeologists use the term Celtic to encompass all European culture starting around 1000 B. C. and ending with the Roman Conquest, most art related to that period was found in Switzerland, where scores of artifacts from this period were discovered when a lake’s water dropped around 1857. Scholars of that period believe that the artifacts had their origin as far away as Britain and Ireland.

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Jewelry and metalwork included geometric designs and intricate spirals applied to pieces made from precious metals such as gold, silver, and bronze. Spirals had three parts and are associated with movement, although the human form was never included in these precious pieces.
After the Romans conquered Britain and Ireland, the popular styles in these northern areas remained distinct from that of the rest of Europe, but the influence of Christianity was hard to miss. Ireland was fast adopting these new beliefs, and crosses were easily incorporated into many pieces. Other original elements included Celtic knots, spirals, swirls, with accompanying designs of plants and animals.
Some of the Most Famed Celtic Jewelry Pieces
The Tara Brooch
As one of the best-known jewelry pieces from the Insular period, the Tara Brooch was found some 25 miles from the hill that gave it its name in 1850. It is believed that it comes from the eighth century and, while made of silver, features intricate designs in gold, glass, amber, and enamel. Decorations on both its front and back include delicate animal figures.
The Claddagh Ring
This ring has become the most famous example of Irish jewelry and includes a pair of hands joined in faith, a profound symbol of commitment, both holding a heart topped by a crown. Since the 1600s, legends surround its creation but always point to elements of love and devotion.
History of Ireland Pendant
Covered with twelve key symbols that distill the history of Ireland, this beautiful pendant includes elements that highlight the upheaval and richness of Ireland’s medieval past. It is easy to distinguish a tiny etching of Saint Patrick, a Norman soldier, and a miniature image of King William of Orange among its symbols.
The Celtic Cross
Traditionally, the Celtic cross features a cross that has a rind around its center. Through the centuries, many interpretations have surrounded this famous piece. It has been said to be a representation of strength, compassion, and knowledge. It is also believed to represent either the four directions of the compass or the four elements of water, air, fire, and earth. Others say they stand for mind, heart, body, and soul.
Whether you have a deep connection to Ireland or simply have a close feeling towards Celtic crystal design jewelry, you can surely find the perfect piece to display your love for these Irish