Hello out there to all the Craft-O-Maniacs, and thanks to Jen for the feature!My name is Megan, and I am the founder of C’mon Get Crafty! My
Hello all you craft-crazy-Craft-O-Maniac-readers, (say that fast 5 times!). I’m Bliss and I blog over at BlissRanch. I’m pretty tickled to have something featured here
Hello Ya’ll …….First things“first“….. please please forgive me, my grammar or wait punctuation is not perfect. So, if you make this take out the apostrophe
I created my {{FIRST EVER “Printable” SUBWAY ART}} {{{Valentine’s Edition}}} this image is an 8×10 To copy for printing– Right click your mouse hit “save
this was super inexpensive and EASY! I took an Elmer’s B-fold styrofoam board used my xacto knife from Elmer’s too, and cut the bi-fold in
I recycled a board from my sons old changing table drawer(s) (seriously I have recycled all three drawers from all the wood it used HA!) Next I painted