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Great Reasons To Choose Email Invitations Over Traditional Ones




Invite image source here

Planning a wedding might not be as dreamlike as the proposal. In fact, it takes a lot of hard work and strategizing to make this event really one for the books, both for the soon-to-be-wed couple and the attendees.

You or your partner might be excited at the onset, but sooner or later, you will realize that planning a wedding, regardless of whether it’s simple or grandiose, might actually be harder than it looks.

One of the most important considerations to make during a wedding involves sending out invitations. Finalizing your guest list might take longer than you have initially anticipated as many factors can come into play.

Undoubtedly, it can get overwhelming, and you might find
yourself cramming at the last minute to send out all the invitations—which is why you should do it by email.

Sending email invitations instead of handwritten ones or printed out copies can save you a lot of trouble, especially when you’re running out of time (and money, too). Compared to the traditional method of sending out wedding invites, here are six reasons why you should go the
digital route:

1. Save Money
It’s no secret that weddings can cost a lot of money, especially if you want to invite a ton of guests. Since emails are free tools, you will no longer have to pay for paper, envelopes, stamps, ribbons, and the delivery service you’ll hire.

There are lots of free tools online that can help you create a stunning wedding invitation design that can even be more memorable than what your guests can receive via traditional mail.

If you want more personalized designs, consider hiring a graphic designer or artist. It is more than likely that you will have to hire an artist to design the invitations for you anyway, but sending them over by email is a more affordable option than having these designs printed out,
stamped, and delivered to each guest.

2. Save Yourself the Additional Workload
Planning a wedding can be absolutely stressful. You can save yourself the hassle of sending over invitations when you do it through email. For one thing, you don’t have to type the guest’s complete address, just their email.

You also won’t have to place each invitation inside individual envelopes either, then have them sealed one by one. In fact, you can send email invitations by batch, which leads us to our next point…

3. Save Time
In addition to the cost and workload that it will save you, email invites also save you a lot of time.

The hours that you will spend conceptualizing your invite, printing them out, putting them inside envelopes, sealing them, and sending them out will definitely steal some of your precious time, which you can invest in other things such as scouting for wedding locations, meeting with your caterers, or writing your wedding ceremony.

Time is precious and it is something that you cannot get back so use it wisely.

4. Email Invites are Easily Organized and Easier to Track
Because of technology, everything can be easily accessed through our phones, laptops, and tablets. Moreover, almost everyone is online, and even if you have guests that have no email address, they are likely few and far between.

Thus, it is wiser to send email invites since they are easier to track anytime, anywhere since you can view them in real-time through your gadgets.

Replies can be marked easily with a “yes” or a “no,” and you can also keep track of those who may want to bring a companion with them. Following up is also easier since all you have to do is send them a message through email.

You can choose to send invites through your personal email, or you can seek the help of websites that, for a reasonable fee, can send the invites to your contact list and keep track of them for you.

5. Mistakes Aren’t Costly
With so many things going on when you’re planning a wedding, you’re bound to make mistakes and overlook things here and there. With email invitations, you can always retract the wrong email and it won’t cost you a penny.

On the other hand, just one wrong detail in your traditional invite might mean that you would have to reprint, reseal, and resend the invitation to your intended guest. Email invitations don’t only allow room for mistakes, but you can easily correct any, saving yourself the unwanted embarrassment.

6. Save Trees, Save the Environment
Planning for a wedding might be a personal endeavor, but that doesn’t mean you can’t contribute to saving the environment. Choosing to send out emails instead of paper invites reduces your paper footprint on the planet.

According to one website, saving a ton of paper can actually save at least 17 trees, 26,000 liters of water, 4,000-kilowatt hours of power, and even 240 liters of fuel! With every tree that you save, three more people can breathe because one tree produces enough oxygen good for three

A simple decision such as sending email invites can make your wedding not only hassle-free but all the more meaningful as you are helping contribute to the future of the next generation.

Final Thoughts
Email invitations are a good way to go about spreading the word about your wedding day. It has a lot of advantages to offer that you simply should not ignore. For one, email invites can let you save a lot of time, money, effort, and even contribute to saving the environment by reducing your paper footprint.

In all the hustle and bustle about invitations, do not forget the main reason why you are inviting people to come to your wedding—to celebrate your special day with them.

Sharing your day with them is sharing your joy with the people closest to you. Send those invitations out now and with all the time, money, and energy that you save, you can focus your strength and resources on
other wedding preparations that need your attention.

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