Guest Post- CUTE- High Chair Pad Tut.
The Queen Bee’s Hive love to craft, cook, quilt, and be involved with our family. I have 5 kids and 4 grand kids, I’m learning that this side of the coin is a little different than the other side, but also, so good. I love to blog about all my crafty things and all kinds of family matters, because in the end family really does matter. 🙂
Ever look at that high chair pad and wish for a new one? Face it ~ it’s had it, it’s ugly and you want something fun, and trendy. So, here’s a High Chair Pad Tutorial to guide you.
Guess what? It’s not as hard as you think it might be.
Little Blayke needed a new high chair. Hilary, my daughter, and I shopped and looked, ummm, rather expensive. Then we looked on KSL, (Craig’s List), and found an Eddie Bauer highchair just like the one we liked in the store! Of course the price was much better, so we bought it.
It had a few scratches, so we took it to the garage and re stained it. Just like new! Actually, you can see it right here at Spending Less Living More, Hil’s blog.
Now, for that pad….I volunteered to make a new one. Hilary picked out the fabric she wanted, and I was all set. Or was I, I didn’t know where to start! That’s the hard part, just getting started, but it wasn’t bad at all.
Here we go:
Gather your supplies: ~ the old high chair pad (this becomes your pattern) ~the new fabric ~velcro. 5/8″ wide ~5/8″ wide ribbon to coordinate with fabric ~glue stick ~elastic, 3″ and ~batting (whatever you want, I used a polyster batt).
I was sooo hesitant to start, but just lay the old pad out on top of your batting and your fabric, (right sides together), and cut about 1/2 inch larger than the chair pad. This pad is 2 pieces, so cut 2 pieces, the back, and the seat. (Easier this way too, then you join them together later on.) (There are lots of pictures, so this first easy part doesn’t get as many pictures, ’cause I know you can do this :).
*There is usually a little piece of fabric on the back that slips over the high chair, to hold it on. Measure that, and cut a piece to look like it. In that little seam, put about a 3 inch piece of elastic, pull slightly as you sew it right into the seam. This will give it a little ‘give’ so it will fit nicely over the top of the high chair.*Now, just layer the batting, the fabrics, and that little back piece and sew a 1/2 seam around the edges. Turn right side out.
*If there are stitching lines on the original, go ahead and do those. There you go, your back part is all done! Let’s head on down to that seat part, he’s the one with all the details. *If you haven’t already cut out the seat part fabric and batting, go ahead and do that now. See all those little velcro ties on there? Cut ribbon that is twice as long as they are and about 2 -3 more inches. (They are not all the same length, so be careful.)
*To give your ribbon the strength you need, fold it in half, run the glue stick over it, and glue it together. (Use that glue stick whenever you need, sooo helpful in holding things, and doesn’t gum up your machine. Who knew? Trust me I use this on quilts!)
*Cut your velcro pieces and place them where they will go. (Different sizes for different places.) Cut about 1/2 extra to sew inside.
*Sew the velcro to the ribbon on both edges.
*Carefully position those velcro guys where they need to go. Look at the old one, measure and be accurate. Take your time here.
*Now turn them exactly opposite, so the velcro is in the center, and your exra ribbon is on the outside. Also layer your fabrics and batting so you can sew all together. Go ahead and stitch everything together, scary, but you can do it! Go slow.
Isn’t it Nice? You’re almost there.
*Sew the two pieces together with a good strong seam (sew twice), or serge if you have a serger. I serged twice.
You’re FINISHED! Beautiful isn’t it? There’s our girl trying it out, I think she likes it! 😉
Enjoy your new High Chair Pad!!
Awesome! It looks so much cuter!! I linked up this project on my blog today!
That is so cute!!! What a change!