DIY – Update your laundry room with Beadboard.
Hello Craft-o-maniac fans! I’m Nicole from Thrifty Decorating and I’m so excited to be sharing my first project as Jen’s DIY/Decorator contributor!
I am excited to share my ideas about how to make big changes to your home with very little money and time!
The easiest way to make a change in a room is through paint color and what is better than FREE paint!
If you’re like me, then you have gallons of half-used paint cans sitting somewhere in your garage. One way that I can do a project for little or no money is to reuse paint from those cans or SWAP PAINT with a friend!
The mustard yellow that was on your kitchen walls 3 years ago may be exactly what a friend has been wanting to put in her half bath!
For this laundry room project, I found about 1/3 a gallon of paint leftover from my kitchen makeover.
Here are some “before” pictures of my laundry room….the color was called latte, but it reminded me of sitting inside a cup of lukewarm hot cocoa…..but it was leftover and free, so I used it!
You can see white spots where I used to have wire shelving….I ran out of paint and wasn’t able to touch up those spots when we added built-in shelving a couple of year ago….those spots drove me crazy!
So here’s the reveal…..all that this makeover involved was leftover paint, one roll of beadboard wallpaper, and some foam chair rail and trim!
I love the response of my one son….he walks into the laundry room, turns around and says, “Did we get new lights in here??” Uhm…no……did you miss the other changes??
My total cost was $30.00!
Beadboard wallpaper: $15.00 available at Lowe’s
Brushes and rollers: $5.00
1 piece of foam chair rail: $7.00 at Carter Lumber
1 piece of foam trim: $3.00 at Carter Lumber
Wood shelf: FREE! Wood just sitting around
Everything else: FREE! I just shopped my house for the blue mason jars and
And because we all love before and after shots…
Make sure to visit Nicole at Thrifty Decorating. I am so thrilled to have her as one of my monthly Contributors.
Oh I love the bead board. We have real stuff in our bath room and would love to put it up somewhere else in the house.
what is it like? ie how tough?
And do you know anywhere in the UK I could get some of it?
absolutely gorgeous! Was the wallpaper pre-pasted?? Love this look!
That looks amazing!
Great job Nicole! Yay for your first contributing post!
Nicole…… I didn’t even know there was such thing as bead board wallpaper! What a happy bright work space. Makes me almost want to come fold your clothes. Not really.
Yes…the wallpaper is prepasted. All you do is soak it in water. You can purchase it as Lowe’s and you may even be able to order it online!
Thanks everyone!
Absolutely beautiful!
Looks great, Nikki! In person and in pictures! : )
I did beadboard in my laundry room and I could not be happier!
I love how high yours is. I may steal that for my bathroom.. it is so beautiful!
Love this, I’m new to your blog. I want to do something to my laundry room but it’s not even quite as big as yours!
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