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Customizing Your Workspace: Choosing The Right Desk Power Outlet For Your Needs

Before today’s power outlet options, cords ran across rooms from the outlet
to the connection. Devices were plugged into power sources discreetly
from one source to another, often lining the walls of the room. Although a
cord trailing from one end of a room to another is not visually appealing, it
was the only option then.

Now, however, you can choose from an array of power outlets that sit at
your workstation. With the plug and cord so close together, devices charge
without the unsightly view of power cords all over the office.

The question of which power outlet is right for you depends on a myriad of factors, which we’ll discuss in this article.

A practical workspace offers maximum space and customization options so that individuals can work based on the most conducive setup. One way to customize your workstation is by selecting a suitable Desk Power Outlet. Read on to learn about some of the outlets that may be right for your office setup.

Grommet And Edge Clamp Models
Two common Desk Power Outlet options today are grommet screw and
edge clamp models. Both choices have changed the game for smart desk
setups, eliminating the need for trailing cords and the hazards they create.
For the grommet style, a hole is pre-drilled into the desktop to make room
for the power placement. Clamps are adjustable power attachments that
rest behind the desk.

Desk Power Outlet Options

With today’s Desk Power Outlet options, you’ll never be concerned with
running out of enough power ports. To choose a suitable Desk Power
Outlet, review which devices you need to access from your desk. Then,
factor in the shape and size of your desk to determine which outlets fit your
setup. You can easily find power outlets to accommodate all your devices
at your desk.

Here are some popular options to consider:

● Power Grommet: If you need a simple solution for your laptop, try a
power grommet. You’ll receive a 6-foot power cord, an AC power
outlet, and two USB ports. Power grommets go well with 2-4 person,
L-shaped, U-shaped, and rectangular desks.
● Under-Desk Power Outlet Strip: This compact design mounts
underneath the desk for easy accessibility. It includes two AC power
outlets, a five-foot power cord, and two USB ports.
● Desktop Fixed Power Outlet: Attached with a grommet screw on
the underside, this power outlet accommodates five outlets: two for
AC, two for USB-C, and one for USB-A. This option also includes
tetrahedral housing and three-directional accessibility.
● Desktop Power Outlet Unit: Decrease clutter with a desktop power
outlet unit that simultaneously props up your device as it charges.
This includes an adjustable clamp, three power ports, and two more
for USB.
Powering Through Your Workday
Create a workstation that allows you to perform your best with a suitable
Desk Power Outlet. Consider the above options as you research the many
power outlet units you can utilize to power through your workday, now with more convenience and charging power than ever before.

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