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6 Fun Ways To Keep Your Bridesmaids Happy

Keeping your bridesmaids happy is something you’ll want to think about if you want to have the smoothest wedding day imaginable. If you act like bridezilla and don’t keep your bridesmaids on side, by the time your big day rolls around you’ll likely end up feeling frazzled with a team of women who no longer want to associate with you afterwards.

You asked your group to be a part of your special day for a good reason – so read on for 6 ways to keep them happy below.

1. Let Them Pick Their Own Dresses
There’s nothing worse than being forced to wear a dress you hate. Many brides do this – some even admit that they choose dresses that mean their bridesmaids won’t ‘overshadow’ them.

It’s crazy! While this should definitely be a joint decision, you should allow your bridesmaids to have a big say in what they wear. You could let them pick the same dress in a color of their choice, or you could give them a color and let them pick any shade and style (but do ask them to ok it with you first). It can actually look really cool when bridesmaids are wearing different dresses!


2. Make Them Feel Special
Make your bridesmaids feel special on your big day. They have likely given up a lot of their time and even their finances for your wedding day.

Invest in matching robes for bridesmaids so you can all enjoy wearing them together in the morning with a glass of fizz while you all have your hair and makeup done. You should also consider getting them a thoughtful gift for the ceremony.

3.Tell People Who They Are And How You Know Them
Make sure everybody knows who your bridesmaids are. Put their picture on a table at the front of the party and explain how you met and why you’re friends. They will love this, and sharing funny stories always makes people smile!

4.Talk To Them About Non Wedding Things
Making every single thing about your wedding is going to get boring. Plan some girl time together that doesn’t involve talking about all things wedding. If they bring it up you can talk about it, but it’s not the most important thing in their lives and they will likely appreciate a change in topic!

5.Help Them All Get To Know One Another
If your bridesmaids don’t all know each other, help them to get to know one another by planning things together in advance. When everybody is sufficiently bonded you’ll have a much nicer day overall and your bridesmaids will have a much better time.

6.Have Fun Together On Your Big Day
Your friends have spent a lot of their own time and other resources on your big day, so the least you can do is have a good time with them. It can be tough to split your time up between all of your friends and family, but do make sure your bridesmaids are having a good time!

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