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Unexpected Ways to Boost Your Creative Energy


I don’t know about you all, but I do know I could use some “Unexpected Ways to Boost Your “My” Creative Energy”

Being creative takes more than just a natural talent. You need to be in the right mindset for really getting your hands dirty with a project, and the mood might not strike at the right times. If you suffer from creative blocks or moments without inspiration, you need to think of unique ways to boost your creative energy! Sometimes a little bit of outside the box thinking can go a long way to reviving your mental state! Transform your energy with these unexpected ideas for boosting your creativity!

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You can’t be expected to find inspiration if your space doesn’t feel right. That’s why it’s so important to have a dedicated creative space or craft room to use only when you’re doing what you love most! If you’re prone to crafting or creating projects in any area of your house, you might notice your inspiration burns out quickly. Avoid this by having a dedicated space just for your creating! Make your space all about you! What colors inspire you? What music do you prefer when you work? How do you like the room to feel? You might even go so far as to have  programmable thermostats There are no rules to the perfect space as long as it feels right to you! 

Learn Your Rhythm

You’ve probably noticed you don’t feel creative at all times of the day. You might go through phases or cycles throughout the day or even throughout the week depending on your schedule. Learn what rhythm works for your body and cultivate it! If you’ve noticed you never feel energized in the morning but you’re always buzzing with new ideas after dinner, that might just be your rhythm trying to tell you something. Work with your rhythm, not against it.

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Try Something New

It’s easy to get trapped in a cycle of repetition, you’ll feel your energy sagging. Challenge yourself by doing something new! It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, you can keep it as simple as you’d like. Try a new restaurant in your area, talk to an old friend, or cook a new recipe. It’s okay if things don’t go according to plan! Trying something new forces your mind to expand its own comfort zones, and you’ll notice yourself forming new connections and feeling new energies.

Listen to Ambient Sounds

If you’re struggling to connect with your creative energies, it’s time to take your mind somewhere else. Listening to music might be enough to take your minds somewhere new, but the best way is through ambient sounds. Listen to whatever ambient sounds speak to you! Ambient-Mixer.com has a variety of sounds ranging from fantasy to exotic cafes. Choose something that really makes your mind travel to new places. Just let yourself take in the sounds of a new place, whether that place is real or a new fantasy. Picture it in your mind, and let yourself wander in your own imagination.

Know When to Take a Break

Spending too much time forcing yourself to do something that isn’t happening does you more harm than good. Know when to call it quits and to take a break. Remember that taking a break means returning to your creative task later, not leaving it behind forever. Put a project away for the night if you feel yourself getting frustrated. Go for a walk or take a nap in between projects if it helps your mind reset. Learning when to turn your mind off is just as important as learning how to turn it on!

Reach New Creative Heights

Being a creative person is about more than being able to create amazing things! It’s about knowing how to cultivate your own creative energies to produce your best work! Whether you’ve been struggling with low energy recently or you’re looking to challenge yourself to do better, the tips above will help you supercharge your own creativity!


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