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{{Taking a step back!}}

This morning was yet again another early morning. Our new puppy was whining and awake around. 5:20 a.m. Hubby got up and tended to her. He then asked if I wouldn’t mind driving him to work right then, so he can get in his early morning workout? I whined a little… and then got up. 😉 

When I returned home, I tended to the children and to the puppy. They all got fed and had there needs met. I was still so tired, so I told the older children I was going to lay back down and to please keep quiet. 
(all pics. are camera/instagram pics.)
I got back in bed and just laid there….I new that falling back to sleep was probably not going to happen. I always have way to  much on my mind… most moms do! I thought about my blog and where my thoughts have been with it for the last several months, I thought of my kids- back to school, what if the dog poops again, I can’t wait to go to the fair tonight, I thought “be” extra healthy today… 

then I rolled over in my bed……. 

I stared at my ice cold Diet Dr. Pepper fountain drink…. it then made me think of my husband. I mean, it really made me think about him. He filled that DDP for me early this morning when I drove him to work. He knows I love fountain drinks the most. I smile! I think about how last night while the children were sound asleep, we were chatting and watching tv. Hubby was folding the laundry, I thought again… he folds the laundry because I totally and utterly hate folding laundry. Then I thought even more about him and all he does for me. I then thought of a line in the movie “Wedding Singer” when Drew Barrymore is on a plane (I believe) and she says that “Its the little things the count!” I go back to thinking of my sweet hubs…. 
-He wants me to have the last sliced apple with almond butter on it.
-He says sit next to me, and I will scratch your back. (one of my fav. things) 
-He makes dinner on nights when I don’t want too, he never complains.
-He loves to make me laugh, because he loves my laugh the most.
-He fills my water bottle up, when its empty.
-He kisses me even when I am ornery, and don’t deserve it. His lips are the softest. 
These are just some examples of what he does to make me smile… these small little things! 

As I am thinking of all these sweet things he does, I then think more about him and our children we have brought into this world. I know that time is very precious with them, and time for the most part isn’t always on my side. Days are soon weeks, and then before I know it, its a new month. I need to spend more time with my children and enjoy these special years with them and laugh even more with my hubby and kids. I need to take a step back away from my blog. Not step away, but just take a step back. I won’t go into all the hours and time we as bloggers spend blogging, but know that it truly is a lot of work and time. I don’t want my kids looking back and remembering there mom always in front of the computer. Its not just blogging, its FB, Pinterest, Emails, Twitter, Etsy, Online shopping, etc. all these sites we get caught up in. Before we know it, the kids have been neglected from their mother way to long. 

I am not blessed to be a stay at home mom, to “not” be a mom to the best of my abilities. I will still be around, just not as much. I think 3 maybe 4 posts a week is more then enough. I just can’t keep a constant new post up every day. 

I want more days and more memories made with my children. I want to savor the small things, and big things with them. I want to fall even more in love with my husband and be reminded even more as to WHY I utterly love him! and know why I am the luckiest lady in the world, because I have been truly blessed with an awesome silly darling family.  

These years with my little ones are truly priceless, and they need to be treated that way. 
-Thank you hubby for being the reminder to me this morning. Just by looking at a simple filled fountain drink, you reminded me of all the precious little things, that make up a whole bunch of big things. Hun, I am not surprised the person in my life that inspires me the most.. is you. You lite the spark under me to finally make this decision… to step back. I Love you boo.-
I will still be around… but for now I will go laugh, giggle, make awesome memories with my children….and play with our new puppy. 

xo, jen

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27 thoughts on “{{Taking a step back!}}

  1. I was in your situation a few months ago. I tried everything to just find SOMETHING to do to not be bored at home.
    Then it hit me, being blessed to stay at home takes a mindset change. That’s all it is.

    I’m super happy to be home now. Focus on your kids and your hubby and it will come together. 🙂

  2. I love this post! Isn’t it funny some of the tiniest things that get your mind going? I agree, a few days a week is plenty! I hate those “how to be a successful blogger” things that say you must post a new post every day. Not sure how people manage to do that. I know I have never been there and am much more content to have a few posts go up a week if that means that our house is clean, our bellies are full and our laundry is clean. Enjoy those babies!

  3. Hey Jen….I came to the same realization at the beginning of the summer. This has been a wonderful few months filled with my family. I am not missing it at all and my kids finally have their “whole” mom. Not the mom who is half-listening while planning a post in her head. Great post! 🙂

  4. Good for you Jen! Family is most important of all! I have recently come to the realization that 3 posts per week is the magic number for me…it let’s me have time to be the Mom I want to be, while sharing fun posts on my blog. Your decision takes honesty and courage….you are so brave to be real with yourself! Have a lovely week and feel good about your decision! Angie xo

  5. Hey Jen…..I am a mom (but only to one) and work full time out of the house, plus try to do a blog. It’s difficult; I applaud you ladies that make blogging your job while trying to raise a family. I don’t know how you do it. This is such a wonderful post. Enjoy your time with the hubs and family! On a side note; everyone says they grew up fast….I know truly understand what they meant. My daughter turned six last month and it honestly feels like I just had her yesterday. Where does it go? xoxo Lindy

  6. This post made me want a Diet Dr. Pepper… and it also made me think you’re even more awesome than I already did. Priorities… so very important in life. Enjoy those giggles, and the new puppy.

  7. I totally understand! Believe me, time really does fly. Your youngest will be heading off to college before you know it so cherish every minute. My youngest leaves for college Saturday and I just can’t believe how the time has gone by in a flash!

  8. Awesome post!! I wrote a little about this yesterday, and I read a post very similar to yours today. I wonder if maybe God’s trying to tell me something! 😉 Blogging is a LOT of work, and I am feeling constantly guilty for the time I spend at the computer…and all the days I don’t have big exciting projects to share with readers. I wonder if maybe it’s time for me to reevaluate. I say two thumbs up for you!

  9. What a lovely post ! I enjoyed this so much – thank you for sharing it with us… you’re right, we must spend more time with our kids, mine left school already, but due to the illness I had to stop working when I was only 30. At the time, I thought – now what? I had a great career … until I saw what I missed during my kids’ lives – there really aren’t anything better than spending time with your kids and husband.

  10. Your a good mom Jen! You will be blessed because of this choice. I am so proud of you!!
    Have a super fun weekend with your super cute kids and your super thoughtful husband!

  11. What a wonderful post and so true. In 40 years we will not look back and wish we had spent more time working, blogging or regretting that extra slice of cake. We will wish we had spent more time truly appreciating our family & friends. Thanks for sharing – And enjoy all that extra time with your hubby & kiddos 🙂

  12. A beautiful, heartfelt post! I’m older and I so understand that the days with little ones are fleeting. I think that marriages are made better by spending time with each other & communicating. You are right on track and I admire you for this!

    Enjoy life ~ and your precious family. The techie stuff will always be here.



  14. On Jen, this is such a sweet post. Thank you for reminding me of all the sweet “little” things my husband does for me as well. I totally understand, mama. This makes me want to but the laptop away and play with my little girl that is laying at my feet watching Disney Junior right now.

  15. Because you realize where you need to be and what you need to do makes me love you all the more for making the right decision. I’ll be here to read your posts when they do arrive, even if it’s one every three weeks instead.


  16. LOVE this post!!! You are making a great decision and all of your loyal followers will understand. Go enjoy some baby squeezing and floor play with your kiddos!

  17. what a very honest post jen…

    thank you for sharing your feelings to us…

    sometimes in life when we are so busy about something(working, blogging, etc.) – we tend to forget the reason (to have a better life for our kids) why we are doing that….
    you taking a step back is really awesome!!

    smart momma

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