{The Laundry Room}
SOME of you have seen my laundry room more then once, but I needed to post this from my other blog onto this blog, so I can save it as a widget. winks!
Welcome to my laundry room….. ITS “LOADS” of fun!
The BIG JAR, holds a large box of dry detergent and a large scoop, LOVE IT!
Love Downy (April Fresh Downy is my fav.) I use two sheets per load. It really makes the clothes soft and yummy!
I added the large W AND D to the washer and dryer, it added more fun and whimsy to the Laundry room. I cut out vinyl from my cricut- using the “Platinum Schoolbook Cartridge.”
Right side of laundry room, cupboard above small counter and cupboard below. I keep a waste basket for all the laundry lint, and oddles of gadgets and what have yous I find in my sons pockets.
I added the pole aka shower pole HE! to air dry special garments. Then I came up with a plan for those “DARN lost socks.” A hanging basket to store and clip those lost socks. As I fold the laundry and come across socks I pair the matches “found” together. If they don’t have pairs, I toss them in the lost sock basket. Then after {ALL} the laundry is done, I dump the basket and start pairing the socks that were all tossed in together. I am always stunned at how many find their match, it has been working great.
Laundry sign I cut out from my cricut! I want to get some other cute something.. not sure what? to hang just below the vinyl and right above the door.
Your laundry room is my favorite!!!
LOL….I’m looking at your post instead of folding my laundry! Thanks for posting a “real” shot of your laundry room!
I am so glad mine is not the only one that looks like that! I DO clean it up but laundry is the never ending story so it doesn’t stay clean for long. I have been having laundry room envy for days now. I feel better. Thanks for sharing!
HAHA! I thought I was the only one who had those darn lost socks!!!! Looks great!
Love your cute laundry room. We’re opposites when it comes to dryer sheets – I rip mine in half, use half at a time, and reuse until each until it smells like nothing.
Okay, seriously loving the huge W and D on your washer and dryer! I’m so borrowing that!
Jealous…I only WISH my laundry room was this cute
Jessica @ http://myworldmadebyhand.blogspot.com
My laundry room is in the garage..where the hubs is restoring a firetruck, so *sighs..am a wee bit jealous of your lovely, tranquil room. You did a great job!
I too am glad for the real picture of your laundry room! That is what mine looks like a lot – except I have a closet for a laundry room! I love what you did with it though, very beautiful!
Your laundry room looks fabulous!We are in the process of fixing/finishing our basement. I may have to borrow some ideas when we get to the laudry room so that I will enjoy speding my time there!
I might get more laundry done if mine looked like yours! I love the “W” & “D” on your machines!
I would just love to have a washer/dryer let alone such a beautiful laundry room as yours!!
When that day comes, I am totally coming back to this post as inspiration!
You even make the laundry room beautiful. Amazing!
You even make the laundry room beautiful. Amazing!
I absolutely love your laundry room! I have been trying to come up with some new ideas..and you’ve given me some! Thank you!!! Can’t wait to get started! Thank you for sharing!
OMG can you come over and decorate my house??? Love how you decorate!! ~Lori
I’ve always loved seeing your laundry room..I just love how you decorate it! And I’m pretty sure we have the exact same dryer!
Oh the W and D are my favorite additions. And Im might ahve to steal your “sock basket” idea :0)
Love the laundry sign!! Your laundry room is so cute!!
Please come on over and enter
my giveaway!
I love it! I admitt I was feeling the little green monster coming out until I saw that yours looks like mine with all the never ending dirty laundry piled up in such a cute room.
very cute laundry room!
The laundry never ends, does it?!?
Oh my goodness, I love your laundry room. And the Jar especially. Can you please tell me where you got the jar and what size it is. I bought some 1 gallon ones, but they aren’t big enough. I am going to put those in my kitchen. You are so talented. If you can, will you email me fdbgburton@hotmail.com
Thank you and keep the ideas coming.
Thank you for this post. I love the jar with the washing powders in it. I found this jar at Target. It is a 2 gallon size. I also bought 4 – 1 gallons for my kitchen (flour, sugar etc…) and a 1/2 gal for my coffee. Keep up the wonderful ideas. PS. Thanks for answering my email so fast.
Just thinking randomly…because that’s what I do
you know what would be cute under your saying that you said you needed something. Get some wire and string it under the saying so it looks like a clothes line and either hang baby onesies from clothes pins or like baby shorts that would look like cute boxers. Told ya…random.
Your laundry room looks great! I love that you labeled your washer and dryer :0) My laundry room is currently getting a makeover. I’ll be glad when it all comes together!
Wow…nice looking laundry room. Ours looks like the last picture but without the style and crafts…LOL~!