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Tips to Help you Cool off this Summer

Get Ready To Cool Off

There are many ways to lessen the amount of heat that builds up in your home in the summertime. Here are some tips to help you get started to cool off that will increase your comfort and even help you save on cooling costs.


Cover Your Windows

When the heat of the sun comes through your windows, your home becomes a perfect pressure cooker in the summertime because the built-up heat cannot escape. In fact, up to 30 percent of the heat gain in your home during the summertime can be attributed to sunlight coming through uncovered window openings. A solution that can reduce your home’s temperature is to close your drapes and window blinds during the daytime. Not only will it help you feel more comfortable, it will reduce the load on your air conditioning unit.


Get a Tune Up

Another way to make sure that you will stay cool all summer long is to get an air conditioning tune-up by a professional technician. Your unit will be inspected, tuned, and ready for service when high temperatures hit. A tune up is also a great way to find out if there are any issues with your unit that can be proactively repaired before the cooling season arrives.


Cook and Stay Cool

While using the oven will heat up your home and make whoever is in the kitchen miserable, there are ways to skip the oven and still turn out tasty meals at home. Get to know your crockpot better in the summertime. It can cook your food like the oven does while generating less heat in your home. With a little planning ahead and some set up time in the morning, you can enjoy a fully cooked meal when you get home in the evening.

Grilling is another classic way to avoid heating up the kitchen in the summer. Even better, check out these no-cook meal ideas for cold entrees that will satisfy. Any of these alternate cooking methods will let you enjoy nutritious food and escape the expense of takeout meals.


Electronics Strategies

The type of lighting and strategies for the use of electronics can make a difference in the amount of heat generated in a home. The heat generated from light bulbs adds up, so consider installing CFL or LED bulbs to stay cooler. Vigilance in unplugging electronics when they are not being used pays off because heat is no longer being emitted from them.


Utilize Bathroom Exhaust Fans

Leverage the low cost of running a bathroom exhaust fan and get even more hot air out of your home. In the summer, leave your bathroom fan on after a shower for 30 minutes or more. It will pull all of the extra heat and humidity that using your shower generates at a lower cost than cranking up the air conditioning all over the house.


Embrace the Cold

The idea of taking a cold shower in the wintertime sounds excruciatingly painful but is worth a try in the heat of summer. If you take a cool shower before bedtime you can lower your body temperature enough to be able to fall asleep comfortably. Taken in the morning, a cold shower eliminates taking extra time during your routine to cool off so you do not excessively sweat in your clothes before you are even out the door.

Sealing openings around doors and windows are mostly thought of as a task in the fall to prepare for winter, but the truth is that well-sealed doors and windows are a benefit all year round. What keeps warm air from escaping during the winter keeps the warm air from entering in the summer. Using a combination of these heat-busting tips should keep you enjoying cooler temperatures in your home all season long.


I hope you all found these tops helpful, and will make your living situation at home more comfortable. Thanks for stopping by today. 


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