Easter Craft~ Easter "Eggs" Plaque

Hi Friends-

Yesterday I headed out to JoAnn’s because I had a serious craft itch. They come and go, and yesterday it was a for sure go!!!

I picked up some supplies and went home and got busy. Everything I used to create this Easter Eggs Plaque was and can be found at JoAnn’s. 

To create this project, I first decided what colors I wanted to use, then I got busy painting all the wood. When I was done with the painting and had let everything all dry, I sanded everything really well. A tip I do to get that dark sort of stain, is use dark wood stain. I simply add the stain to a paper towel and rub it on the edges of the wood or anywhere I would like the stain to show. If I get to much stain I just quickly wipe it off with the paper towel. I love the worn rustic look, and sanding and staining will help you achieve that look. 
I hope you all enjoy it.

This sign is cute for Easter or in a kitchen with a basket of faux eggs. 

Thank you so much for stopping by today.
Hugs, jen
linking up to Tatertots and jello here