DIY Painted Salt & Pepper Shakers
I love to go to garage sale’s as much as I love to go thrifting. I totally love to do this on Saturdays, and this past Saturday was no different. Me and the hubs got up early, ate breakfast, fed the kids, and headed out with some cash. I spent $2.75 and got a beautiful milk glass bowl, a milk glass vase, and brand new salt and pepper shakers. I new right away that I was going to paint them after seeing this link on Pinterest. Good Ole’ Pinterest, gotta love it.
These were so darn easy too!
All I did was pick out two of my favorite acrylic paints in turquoise and mixed them and started painting. I used a small sponge paint brush and did 3 coats of paint, letting each coat dry in between. Once they were done I sanded them and they were complete.
So don’t throw out your wood S&P Shakers- Paint them any color you can dream of! and next time you see some wood ones, grab them!!!
Thanks for stopping by.
Hugs, jen
So adorable! I love the color you choose too. I just might have to find me some of these so I can copy you
Brie @ Breezy Pink Daisies
Very nice! I saw similar ones to yours on Pinterest and I actually have wood salt & pepper shakers but after seeing this idea I decided I wanted to do this with them!! Thanks for sharing how you fixed yours up!
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