A Canvas Corp. Giveaway
As most of you may know..I ventured off to evo12 last month. It was so fun meeting yet again more new faces, getting to put the “names to faces”, chatting with new girls, staying up late with my awesome roomies, eating, laughing, and learning all kinds of things about growing your blog. You learn more about social media, how to better network, and again how to better grow your blog. You also get to discover all kinds of new awesome blogs. The talks and speeches were awesome, I totally had my favorites and were moved by some that I adored.
When you go to these conferences you come back with some great new insight to blogging and growing your blog aka business. There’s also stuff you learn, see, and find out that isn’t always so great or so fun. It can be a little overwhelming and there is much to take in. However, I have to say that overall its a great learning experience both with some good and some not so good. I totally recommend going to Bloggy Social Media Conferences.
They looked like this…

above- Tausha from Sassy Style Redesign. She was an awesome host letting me stay in her lovely home and drive me and the roomies around. She is so fab. and I love her.
here is just a small sample of some more EVO 12 collage fun!
CHECK OUT THAT LOOT, OK’ seriously I am in love with tattered angels spray. Its those three bottles you see to the right. I used some tattered angels spray on the bottom of the Canvas Corp. business cards I made, and I so loved it! YOU ALL WILL TOO.
1) follow Canvas Corp. on FB
2) follow COM on FB
3) follow Canvas Corps. BLOG
4) follow COM on Pinterest
5) spread the WORD, tweet and/or FB this giveaway, and let me know.
good luck to you all. THIS IS A GIVEAWAY I would not want to miss out on.
I will announce the winner in approx. 2 weeks vis COM-FB!
thanks, jen
I follow canvas corp on fb
Hi Jen,
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB 🙂
I’m following COM on FB yay! 🙂
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG 🙂
I’m following COM on Pinterest yay!
I spread the WORD, on twitter for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know 🙂
Love your Blog!!
I already follow you on Facebook and Pinterest, but now also have ‘liked’ Canvas Corp. on Facebook.., shared your giveaway on Facebook too.., fingers crossed! I would love to win this fabulous giveaway : o)
I follow you on facebook!!
I follow COM on facebook. 🙂
I follow COM on FB! bearrabbitbear {at} hotmail {dot} com
I follow Canvas Corp on FB! bearrabbitbear {at} hotmail {dot} com
I follow the Canvas Corp blog! bearrabbitbear {at} hotmail {dot} com
I follow you on Pinterest! bearrabbitbear {at} hotmail {dot} com
I Follow Canvas Corp. on face Book.
Following Canvas Corp on FB
Following COM on FB
Following Canvas Corp Blog!
Following COM on pinterest
I Follow COM on Facebook.
I tweeted! bearrabbitbear {at} hotmail {dot} com https://twitter.com/Bearrabbitbear/status/235415374814908416
I Follow Com on Pinterest.
tweeted about the giveaway!
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I spread the WORD, on twitter and FB for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know 🙂
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I spread the WORD, on FB and twitter for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know 🙂
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I spread the WORD, on twitter and FB for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know 🙂
Such an awesome giveaway!!
I like Canvas Corp on FB
I follow you on FB!
Following the Canvas Corp blog
I’m following Canvas Corp on FB!!!
I follow COM on FB.
I follow Canvas Corp on FB.
Patricia Lightner
I follow COM on FB!!!
I follow you on Pinterest.
Patricia Lightner
Following you on Pinterest!
Shared on Twitter:
I follow COM on Pinterest!!!
All of the above!
I follow Canvas Corp. on Facebook!
I follow COM on Facebook too!
I’m follow Canvas Crop.’s blog via RSS
I follow you (COM) on pinterest! 🙂
Following Canvas Corp on FB.
Following COM on FB.
FB follwer of Canvas Corp- like duh! Holly 🙂
Follwer of COM FB- like total duh! Holly 🙂
Of course a follwer of Canvas Corp blog-super duh! Holly 🙂
Foller of COM on Pinterest- like who wouldn’t?- duh! Holly 🙂
Follow Canvas Corp blog.
Follow COM on pinterest
I follow COM on FB!
Shared on FB.
I follow your blog! Great giveaway!!!
I follow Canvas Corp on FB.
I follow COM on Pinterest.
I follow canvas corp on fb
I’m following COM on FB
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I have spread the WORD, on twitter & fb for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know
Follow COM on Pinterest!!
Follow COM on FB!!
Follow canvas corp. on FB!
I follow Canvas Corp on Facebook!
tweet the giveaway!! 😉
I follow COM on Facebook!
Hi…sounds like fun! I can barely keep up with my blog now, not sure I could handle it being any bigger and it isn’t all that big!
This is a great giveaway…I’m not sure what I’d do with all that stuff, but I sure would love to try! I follow COM on FB!
I also follow Canvas Corp on FB!
I follow Canvas Corp’s Blog!
I follow COM on Pintrest!
I spread the word on Facebook!
I follow Canvas Corp on FB!
I follow COM on FB!
bring it on baby – I follow canvas corp on fb!
I also follow COM on Pinterest 🙂
I follow com on fb too!
I follow com on pinterest
i tweeted about this awesome giveaway too!
Following Canvas Corp on FB!
Following COM on fb!
Following canvas corp blog!
Following on Pin!
I follow Canvas Corp on FB
This is an awesome giveaway! I follow COM on Pinterest
Following on Pinterest
Following on Pinterest
Following blog
Following on FB
I subscribe to Canvas Corp on my Google homepage.
I “like” COM on FB
I “like” Canvas Corp on FB
Hiya Jen! I follow Canvas Corp on FaceBook. Blessed be, hugs!!!
playamom57 at yahoo dot com
Hiya Jen! I follow Canvas Corp blog on Pinterest. Blessed be, hugs!!!
playamom57 at yahoo dot com
Hiya Jen! I follow COM on FaceBook. Have for a while now :). Blessed be, hugs!!!
playamom57 at yahoo dot com
Hiya Jen! I follow COM on Pinterest. Blessed be, hugs!!!
playamom57 at yahoo dot com
Hiya Jen! I shared the Canvas Corp Giveaway on FaceBook. Blessed be, hugs!!!
playamom57 at yahoo dot com
I follow COM on FB
I follow Canvas Corp on FB as Hani Shabbir
I follow COM on Pinterest
I follow canvas corp on Pinterest
Following Canvas Corp on FB!
I follow COM on FB!
I am following the Canvas Corp blog!
I follow COM on Pinterest
Follow Canvas Corp on FB. Love them. WOOT WOOT!!
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB 🙂
I’m following COM on FB yay! 🙂
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG 🙂
I’m following COM on Pinterest yay!
I spread the WORD, on twitter for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know 🙂
1) i follow Canvas Corp. on FB
2)i follow COM on FB
Follow COM on FB. Love you!!! Woot Woot!!
Follow Canvas Corp Blog. Woot Woot!!
Just found you on Pinterest. Following now!! Woot Woot!!
I completed all of my assignments for this giveaway! Good luck everyone (but I hope I win!). 🙂
Spread the word on Facebook about COM and shared about the giveaway.
Jen – what a great giveaway! I have been following your tweets, blog and fb and now I am also following Canvas Corps blogs, tweets and posts on facebook. I also follow you and Canvas Corp on Pinterest and I have spread the word on all of the above!
What an amazing giveaway, Canvas Corp products are not that easy to get my hands on, here. So thanks for the possibility to win 🙂
I follow them already on facebook
I am not following you on facebook
I follow your Pinterest boards. Loving new inspiration 😉
I follow Canvas Corp. on FB!
I follow Canvas Corp. on FB!
I follow COM on FB!!
I am following it all!
Now I am off to post on facebook!
Thanks for the chance
I follow Canvas Corps Blog!!
I love Canvas Corp products!
I’m already a follower on FB!
I follow COM on Pinterest!!
I shared on my FB!!
I tweeted too!! 😀 Thanks for the chances to win!!
I love Canvas Corp products!
I’m already a follower of COM on FB!
I love Canvas Corp products!
I’m a follower of Canvas Corp blog!
I love Canvas Corp products!
I’m a follower of COM on Pinterest!
I love Canvas Corp products!
I retweeted your tweet on Twitter!
I love Canvas Corp products!
I spread the word on FB!
I follow Canvas Corp on FB!
I follow COM on FB!
I follow the Canvas Corp Blog!
I follow COM on Pinterest!
I spread the word on Twitter by retweeting your Tweet!
I shared your post on FB!
Following you and canvas everywhere!!!! I love the products and love what you have made with them. Can’t wait to see all the fantastic ideas you find on Pinterest! Thanks for the chance to win
I follow Canvas Corp on FB
I follow COM on FB
I follow COM on Pintrest (that is so cool)
I follow Canvas Corp Blog
I follow Canvas Corp on Facebook.
I follow Canvas Corp on Facebook.
Hiya Jen, done it all hun letting the world know that there is a FABULOUS candy that your giving away wowzersss Thank you for this opportunity and good luck to everyone xxxx Terry
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB yay!
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’m following COM on Pinterest !
I spread the WORD, on twitter for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know too offcourse xxx
I follow Canvas Corp on Facebook.
I follow COM on Facebook.
I follow the Canvas Corps. BLOG
I follow COM on Pinterest (scrapbooking)
I follow COM on FB
I follow canvas on FB.
I follow COM on FB
I shared on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/shari.klyn/posts/333977886691927
I shared https://twitter.com/ShariKlyn/status/235510132677681153on Twitter at
I am now following your amazing Pinterest boards!
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I spread the WORD, on Facebook
Following you on FB 🙂
I tweeted! ♥
Following you on FB! 🙂
I follow Canvas Corp. on FB! ♥
Julie Gordon Weller
Following you on Pinterest! 🙂
Following Canvas Corp on FB!
Following Canvas Corp on Pinterest!
I follow COM on FB! ♥
Julie Gordon Weller
I follow Canvas Corps. BLOG! ♥
I follow COM on Pinterest! ♥
Julie Weller
I follow Canvas Corp on fb!!
I’m a follower of Canvas Corp blog!!
I am folloing COM on Pinterest!!
I like COM on FB!
Spreading the word on FB!!
I follow COM on facebook.
I follow COM on pinterest
Follow Canvas Corp. on FB: DONE!
Follow COM on FB: DONE!
Follow Canvas Corps.BLOG: DONE!
Follow COM on Pinterest: DONE!
I’ll spread the WORD, on Facebook!
Glad I found this Blog. It’s adorable.
Thanks for the change to win,
Kim Scrapdiva Clark
I follow Canvas Corp on FB (https://www.facebook.com/daybreakscrapsbydawn)
I’m following COM on FB!
I’m following Canvas Corps blog!
I follow COM on Pinterest!
Lori H.
I followed COM on Pinterest and facebook and Canvas Corp’s blog and FB:) Thank you for a chance to win a great prize!
I shared on Twitter! https://twitter.com/daybreakscraps/status/235517397333860353
Following Canvas Corp on FB!
I follow Canvas Corp on FB!
Looks like some cool products!
Following COM on FB!
Following COM on Pinterest!
Following Canvas Corp’s Blog!
I am following on FB: Canvas Corp and COM, Blogs: Canvas Corp and COM, and on Pinterest and shared with my crafty friends on FB. Send me a big gift! LOL Fingers crossed!
I a following all. Will put it out on my FB page and my blog. Thanks for the opportunity.
I follow Canvas Corp. via FB
I follow COM via FB
I follow COM via Pinterest
I follow canvas corp on FB
I am already following Canvas Corp on FB!
I following com on FB
I follow COM on FB!
I’m following Canvas corps blog
I’m following com on pinterest
I spread the word on facebook
I follow COM on Pinterest!
I am following Canvas Corp Blog!
I follow Canvas Corp on FB!
I am a new follower of Craft-O-Maniac on FB 🙂 Thank you so much for the chance to win this amazing giveaway!!!
I am a new follower of the Canvas Corps blog!
I now follow Craft-O-Maniac on Pinterest!
I have shared information about this giveaway with all my FB friends!
I’m already following Canvas Corp. and COM on Facebook,
I just followed Canvas Corp’s Blog, so many great ideas!
I just followed COM on Pinterest, and I just spread the word about this wonderful giveaway, thanks so much!
Lin L. from Morrisville, PA
I like Canvas Corp on Facebook!
I like COM On Facebook too!
Yay Thanks Jen,
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB 🙂
I follow COM blog via GFC!
Now following COM on Pinterest! Thanks so much for the chance!
Yay Thanks Jen,
I’m following COM on FB!
Yay Thanks Jen,
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG 🙂
Yay Thanks Jen,
I’m following COM on Pinterest yay!
I follow Canvas Corp on Fb
Thanks for the chance to win!
Yay Thankss Jen,
I’m following COM on Pinterest yay!
I’m following COM on FB!
Thanks for another chance to win!
I’m following Canvas Corp Blog! Again! Great stuff! Great prizes!
I am following Canvas Corp on FB
I am now a fan of Canvas Corp on Facebook!
I’m following COM on Pinterest!
I am following COM on FB
I am follpwing COM on pinterest
What a great giveaway! I’ve tweeted it!
I’m now a fan of COM on Facebook!
I’m following all the COM Pinterest Boards now!
Yay Thanks Jen,
I spread the WORD, on twitter for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know 🙂
I follow Canvas Corp on Facebook.
I follow COM on Pinterest.
I follow Canvas Corp’s Blog.
Yay Thanks Jen!
Tweeted 🙂
I am a fan of COM on Facebook.
I shared the giveaway on Facebook.
following all!
I am following you on Pinterest!
following all!
I also followed you on FB
I follow Canvas Corp. on FB
Followed Canvas corp on facebook.
I follow COM on FB
Followed Comm on FB
Following Canvas Corp Blog.
Following Com on Pinterest!
Posted the word on Facebook..thanks for the chance to win :O)
I follow Canvas Corps. BLOG
Followed canvas corp on fb..:)
Followed the COM on FB…:)
Followed on Pinterest..:)
I follow COM on Pinterest
I tweeted the giveaway!
Spread the word on the FB…https://www.facebook.com/nicolle.kramer
I follow COM on FB!
I follow Canvas Corp on FB. Aren’t their products just the most awesome. Thanks for the opportunity to win this super prize package.
I follow Canvas Corp on FB
I followed all, and even though I’m just now hearing about you, I’m totally and utterly in love with your items. They are exactly my taste and my style. I’ve never won a giveaway, and I’m excited and hopeful for this one, because I actually LIKE the stuff I’m getting <3 Love it so much Jen!!! I spread the word on FB <333 Hope I win 😀
I follow COM on FB
I follow COM on Pinterest
I shared this great giveaway on FB. dianaatpure dash ministries dotcom
I follow Canvas Corp on FB
I follow COM on FB
I follow the Canvas Corp Blog
I follow Canvas Corp. on FB. 🙂
I follow COM on Pinterest
I follow COM on Pinterest
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/MiriamPrantner/status/235535844356800512
I’m following COM on FB
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I follow Canvas Corp on FB
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I spread the word on twitter for this giveaway.
I follow OM on FB
I am following Canvas Corp blog
I follow COM on pinterest
I shared this give away on FB
Such a great giveaway! I’m following everyone and I’ve shared on FB!
I was already a fan “liked” of Canvas Corp on facebook – they rock
I am now a fan of Craft-O-Matic on facebook also…can’t wait to see more
I am now following Craft-O-Matic on Pinterest also…you all have some amazing projects posted there.
I am also following Canvas Corp’s Blog
I shared this giveaway on My facebook wall also
Shared with one of my FB scrappy groups and liked all the links! Thanks for the chance~!
I follow Cnavas Corp on FB
Following COM on FB!
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I spread the WORD, FB for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know 🙂
Rita Spalding
I am a Canvas Corp blog follower…
I liked Craft-O-Maniac on facebook
I followed Craft-O-Maniac on pinterest.com
Hi! I followed COM on Facebook!
I follow Canvas Corp on FB!
I follow COM on Pinterest!
Had to share with my regular peeps as well as my Memories in Tyme peeps…
I’m following Canvas Corp on FB and your blog… I’m following COM on FB and Pinterest…
Love your blog too – will totally be back and will share with my peeps…
Lynda Jeffs (lyndajinco @ gmail.com)
I’m spreading the word about your awesome give-away!! thanks Janet B. 😀
I’m spreading the word about your awesome give-away!! thanks Janet B. 😀
I’m also following Canvas Corp. on Facebook(ScrappyPatch Girls)!! Thanks 😀
I follow Canvas Corp on facebook
I follow COM on facebook
I follow the Canvas Corp blog
I follow COM on pinterest.
I like Canvas Corp on Facebook!
I like COM on Facebook!
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I spread the WORD, on twitter for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know
And I really want the stuff in the giveaway!
following all.
Thanks for the chance of winning that great stuff!
Love it.
I’m follow Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m follow COM on FB
I’m follow Canvas Corp. BLOG
I’m follow COM on Pinterest
I spread the word on FB of this giveaway.
Thanks for the chance.
Love to win this one
Candida Medina (Cindy)
Love it.
I’m follow Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m follow COM on FB
I’m follow Canvas Corp. BLOG
I’m follow COM on Pinterest
I spread the word on FB of this giveaway.
Thanks for the chance.
Love to win this one
Candida Medina (Cindy)
I follow the Canvas Corp blog!
Done, done, done, done and done. Love ya!
Love it.
I’m follow Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m follow COM on FB
I’m follow Canvas Corp. BLOG
I’m follow COM on Pinterest
I spread the word on FB of this giveaway.
Thanks for the chance.
Love to win this one
Candida Medina (Cindy)
I follow COM on Pinterest!
Done, done, done, done and done. Love these products.
Done x 5. I love your site and products.
I totally tweeted! 🙂
I follow Canvas Corp on FB and have done for a while now…. :o)
I am a new follower of COM on FB! :o)
I follow Canvas Corp’s Blog through the networked blogs. :o)
I am a new follower on COM’s Pinterst boards…. love LOVE love Pinterest…
I shared your link about this fantastic give away on my FB page… here is the link on my wall: http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fshar.es%2FvSnyL&t=A+Canvas+Corp.+Giveaway
I followed Canvas Corp on facebook.
I already follow Canvas Crop on FB
‘m already following Canvas Corp.on Facebook,
followed COMon facebook.
‘m already following Canvas Corp. and COM on Facebook,
Tried to follow the blog but not sure if I did.
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB yay! 🙂
I’m following COM on Pinterest
Followed on pintrest.
following Canvas Corps. BLOG
shared contest on facebook.
Shared on FB about this giveaway,
following canvas corp on fb, tina phillips
follow COM on facebook/tina phillips
Following COM on pinterest/teenabugg
I follow canvas corps blog
Awesome giveaway Love the products
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I spread the WORD, on FB for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know 🙂
I already followed Canvas Corp on FB.They have some great products.
I just liked COM on FB and looking forward to reading that.
I am following the Canvas Corp blog.
Checked and now following COM on Pinterest. It looks like you have some great stuff on there. I liked some of the things especially in your DIY category.
Finally I shared the giveaway in FB. Thanks for offering up such a generous prize!
I like Canvas Corp on Facebook!
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I follow COM on FB.
Absolutely love Canvas Corp. Have already been a face book fan and blog fan for a very long time!! What an awesome giveaway.
Also just wanted to give you a heads up that it is “Tattered Angels” spray,not Tattered angles, big difference and thought you might want to correct the Typo for Tattered Angels sake! :):) 🙂 Have a super week!!
I am following Canvas Corp on Facebook 🙂
I am now following COM on facebook 🙂
I am following Canvas Corp Blog 🙂
I am now following COM in my blog reader too!
Following all your boards on Pinterest 🙂
I pinned the giveaway too http://pinterest.com/pin/280419514269082876/
and shared on facebook as well LOL https://www.facebook.com/AmyPriorAnAussieScrapbookingDiva
oh and yep I tweeted! https://twitter.com/AmyPriorDiva
I like Canvas Corp on Facebook
I am a Canvas Corp. FB follower
I am a COM FB follower
I follow COM on Pinterest
Following Canvas Corp on fb!
I’m following Canvas Corp on fb.
Following COM on pinterest.
Following COM on fb!
I shared this great giveaway on my fb wall!
I follow Canvas Corp. on FB
I follow Canvas Corp. on FB
I follow COM on FB
I follow the Canvas Corps. blog
I follow COM on Pinterest
shared this post on FB. 😀 Thanks for the chance to win a fabulous prize!
I like Canvas Corp. on Facebook
I like COM on Facebook 🙂
I’m following the Canvas Corps. Blog 🙂
I follow COM on Pinterest 🙂
I shared this on Facebook
1) following Canvas Corp. on FB
2) following COM on FB
3) following Canvas Corps. BLOG
4) following COM on Pinterest
5) spread the WORD on FB:
so me pages I have already liked before, some of them I added, so I shared and will be very lucky to win
now I’m your follower on Pininterest
I liked your Craft-O Maniac on FB
and I have already liked Canvas Corp on FB
I’m already a follower!
amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com
I’m a Facebook follower too!
amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com
A fantastic give away glad I found your blog.
Following you on face book.
Following you on pinterest.
Following give away on face book thanks for the chance to win the fantastic prize.
Ahh, feel so great!!
I did it all,
following on FB
following Blog
Following on Pinterest
and also spreading words on twitter aboyt this giveaway 🙂
Keep creative!
Love from Jessica 🙂
I’m already following Canvas Corp on facebook.
I’m glad they led me here too!
nutamuATaolDOT.com (replace AT with @ and DOT with .)
Followed/liked Craft-O-Matic on facebook!
nutamuATaol.com (replace AT with @)
I follow canvas corp on facebook
I follow com on pinterest
I follow com on fb
I follow Canvas corp Blog!
Followed Craft-O-Matic on Pinterest through my account http://pinterest.com/nutamu/
nutamuATaol.com (replace AT with @)
forgot to provide proof on earlier entries but they were both for facebook so my name as it appears on facebook is Tanya Ruel facebook.com/nutamu
Shared on facebook.
nutamuATaol.com (replace AT with @)
I followed Canvas Corp on Facebook
I followed COM on Pinterest.
I followed COM on Facebook
I followed Canvas Corp’s blog
I shared the post on my Facebook wall. Thanks for a great giveaway 🙂
I like Canvas Corp on Facebook!
I am following Cannvas Corp on Pinterest!
I am following Craft-O-Matic on Facebook….great site!
I subscribed to COM blog!
Pinned COM to Pinterest
I started following you on Pinterest also!! Janet B. 😀
I also became a fan of COM on Facebook!! Thanks, Janet B.
Follow you on pinterest. Thanks, mamatkins@hotmail.com
Follow canvas corp on twitter. Thanks, mamatkins@hotmail.com
I followed canvas corp on FB.
I followed COM on FB.
I followed COM on Pinterest.
I followed Canvas Corp’s blog.
I shared your post on Facebook! LOVE your blog!
I am following Canvas Corp on FB! Thanks for the chance to win! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com
I am following COM on FB and am glad to have found you! Thanks for the chance to win! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com
I following COM on Pinterest! Thanks for the chance to win! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com
I am following the Canvas Corp blog via networked blogs! Thanks for the chance to win! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com
I like Canvas Corp on Facebook. 🙂
I like COM on Facebook. 🙂
I’m following the COM blog. 🙂
follow Canvas Corp. on facebook
follow COM on FB
Following COM on Pinterest…. also need to change my last to say I am following Canvas Corp’s blog. lol
following Canvas Corps NetworkedBlogs
following COM on Pinterest
I shared this post on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/melmwill/posts/109203189228681
retweeted the giveaway on my twitter
Shared the giveaway on facebook
shared the giveaway on my blog http://bauldeandrea.blogspot.com/2012/08/canvas-corp-giveaway.html
Thank you for the chance!
I’m following canvas corp on FB:)
I’m also following COM on FB & Pintrest 🙂
I’m following Canvas Corp Blog
and shared on FB….
thank you for chance
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB 🙂
I’m following COM on FB!
And I’ve left a comment and SHARED!
I am already following Canvas Corps. BLOG (and pinterest boards)
I’m following COM on Pinterest! WOW … you have some awesome boards!
I’ve shared this giveaway on my Facebook wall!
I have done everything except # 4. I don’t do twitter.
Here is where I spread the word about the giveaway on Facebook:
I just subscribed to the Canvas Corp blog feed.
I am followin Canvas Corp. on FB
I am following COM on FB
I just subscribed to the Canvas Corp blog feed.
I like Canvas Corp on FB
I am following COM on Pinterest
I like COM on FB
I shared this giveaway on FB.
I followed you on Pinterest.
I like Canvas Corp. on FB!
I like Canvas Corp on FB!
I like COM on FB!
I follow Canvas Corp. on FB
allthingzrelated at gmail.com
I follow COM on FB
allthingzrelated at gmail.com
I have been following you on Facebook for a bit!! YAYYYYY!!!
I follow COM on Pinterest
allthingzrelated at gmail.com
I’m a follower of the Canvas Corp blog
allthingzrelated at gmail.com
I have been following Canvas Corp forever on Facebook, because I LOVE THEM!! YAYYYYYYY!!
I was already following some of the links, but the rest have been shouted to all of the social media rooftops!
I am following the blog as of now and so love it!!
I have followed all and shared on fb!!!! Awesome giveaway!!! 🙂
ANDDDDDDDDDDDD I have been following you on Pinterest and even invited you to my special board.. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to enter into this give away and thank you for giving me so much inspiration!!
I like Canvas Corp on FB!! 🙂
I like COM on FB! 🙂
I too now happily follow Canvas Corp on FB!
Thank you for the chance to win!!!
Already following Canvas Corp..just like COM on Facebook..like COM on Pinterest, followed Canvas Corp Blog and Tweeted and shared the post on Facebook..such an awesome giveway and rocking blog!
Followed Canvas Corp on FB
Hi Jen,
After following you on ALL THE SITES…I TWEETED your give away…Just letting you know!
Thanks so much!
Im following the Canvas Corp Blog!! 🙂
Hi Jen,
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB 🙂
I’m following COM on FB yay! 🙂
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG 🙂
I’m following COM on Pinterest yay!
I spread the WORD, on twitter for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know 🙂
Love your Blog!!
TFS pammejo1@yahoo.com
I am now following all of the COM boards on pinterest!!
I too now happily follow Canvas Corp on FB!
Thank you for the chance to win!!!
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I spread the word about this giveaway by sharing it here on my FB:
I follow Canvas Corp on FB – Hornback Designs
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I follow Canvas Corp on FB!
I spread the WORD, on twitter!
I follow Canvas Corp on fb – Hornback Designs
I follow canvas corp on facebook! What a great giveaway. Thanks. =)
I follow COM on FB
I follow COM on FB – Hornback Designs
I just started following Canvas Corp on Facebook.
I’m following Canvas Corp BLOG!
I follow COM on facebook. YAY!!!
I follow COM on Pinterest
I’m following COM on Facebook.
I follow Canvas Corp on facebook!!
I DO declare, I already follow COM on FB!
I follow COM on pinterest. Thanks for all the great inspiration.
I follow the Canvas Corp BLOG – hornbackdesigns@hotmail.com
I’m now following the COM blog 🙂
I am following COM on pinterest: http://pinterest.com/txtwigrl/
workmanscraps at gmail dot com
I spread the word on FB: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/EinatKessler.
Really want this giveaway!!
I shared on facebook. Thanks for such a super giveaway. =)
I follow COM on PINTEREST – Beth
I’m also following COM on Pinterest.
I spread the word on FB via Hornback Designs
I am following Canvas Corps blog. Thank you for the chance to win.
I follow your blog.
I am following COM on facebook/clworkman4. Thank you for the chance to win.
I’m also following the Canvas Corp blog.
I am already a follower on Canvas Corps FB/clworkman4. Thank you for the chance to win.
Followed COM on FB
following Canvas Corp. on FB as Steph Sweetcraftychick 🙂
Tried to follow the blog, but had a hard time.
following COM on FB as Steph Sweetcraftychick 🙂
Shared the giveaway with my frinds on FB!!
following Canvas Corps. BLOG as Steph Sweetcraftychick 🙂
follow COM on Pinterest as Steph Sweetcraftychick 🙂
Shared the giveaway with my frinds on FB!!
shared on FB as Steph Sweetcraftychick :). thanks for the chance!
I liked on facebook.
I am following the blog as well.
Following CC on Facebook!
Following COM on Facebook!
Shared on Facebook!
Following CC on Pinterest!
Following blog!
Following COM on facebook.
I’m in! What an amazing giveaway!! Thanks for the chance to win!
I’m in! This is an amazing giveaway. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I shared the giveaway via fb!! I hope I win, this looks like a fabulous prize!! Good luck to everyone though!! :o)
I posed via fb!! I hope I win, this looks like a fabulous prize!! Good luck to everyone though!! :o)
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I spread the WORD, on twitter and FB for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know.
Thanks so much – love your blog!
Started following Canvas Corp. on FB!
Started following COM on FB!
Following COM on Pinterest!
1) follow Canvas Corp. on FB
2) follow COM on FB
3) follow Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’ve spread the word on facebook!
Following Canvas Corp. (and have for awhile) on FB.
Following COM now on FB.
Following Canvas Corp. blog.
Following YOUR blog–COM 🙂
And now am following COM on Pinterest! 😉
WHEW!! Thanks for all the fabulous ideas! 🙂
4) follow COM on Pinterest
I am following COM blog. 🙂
I am following Canvas Corp on FB. 🙂
I now follow Canvas Corps. BLOG 🙂
I am following COM’s blog. 🙂 (very cute and informative blog, BTW! 🙂
5) spread the WORD, tweet and/or FB this giveaway, and let me know.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Following COM on Pinterest!! WOOHOO!! Glad I found you! Your pins are Fabulous!! 🙂
I am spreading the word on my facebook page.
Thanks for the opportunity to win such a terrific prize!! Would LOVE to create some beautiful stuff with all that product. 🙂
And what a site to sit for hours on and absorb all the deliciousness! I now follow COM on Pinterest!!
I am following Canvas Corp on FB
I am following Canvas Corp on FB
I am a FB fan of Canvas Corp.
I am following COM on FB
I am a FB fan of COM.
I follow COM Blog.
And now I feel complete, as I have even posted on FB about this awesome giveaway! 😀
Thank you Craft-O-Maniac!
I am following Canvas Corp Blog
I Liked Canvas Corp on FB!
I am a Canvas Corp on FB.
I liked COM on FB too!
I Followed Canvas Corp Blog!
I followed COM on Pinterest!
I’m following COM on Pinterest
Thanks for doing this! I’m following you on Canvas Corp. on FB!
Thanks for doing this! I’m following you on COM on FB!
I’m following you on the Canvas Corps. BLOG!
I’m following you on the Canvas Corps. BLOG!
I’m following you on Pinterest! ^_^
I tweeted about your giveaway! =)
I follow canvas corp on FB
I follow canvas corp on pinterest
I follow COM on FB
I follow canvas corp blog
I share the giveaway in my twitter
I follow Canvas Corp on FB!
I follow COM on FB!
I follow canvas corp blog!
I follow COM on Pinterest!
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB 🙂
I’m follow COM on FB
I’m follow Canvas Corp. BLOG
I’m follow COM on Pinterest
I spread the word on FB of this giveaway.
Followed COM on FB
followed canvas corp on FB
and got the word out by sharing on FB
• Liked Canvas Corp on FB
• Liked COM on FB
• Following Canvas Corp’s blog
• Following Canvas Corp on Pinterest
• Following COM on Pinterest
• Shared this post on FB!
I shared the giveaway on my blog FB page (pennants and pinwheels)
I follow Canvas corp on FB.
1) follow Canvas Corp. on FB – YES
2) follow COM on FB – YES
3) follow Canvas Corps. BLOG – YES
4) follow COM on Pinterest – YES
5) spread the WORD, tweet and/or FB this giveaway, and let me know. – SHARED ON FB AND TWEETED!JUST LETTING YOU KNOW 😉
I follow COM on FB
I follow Canvas corp’s blog..
1) follow Canvas Corp. on FB – YES!
2) follow COM on FB – YES!
3) follow Canvas Corps. BLOG – YES!
4) follow COM on Pinterest – YES!
5) spread the WORD, tweet and/or FB this giveaway, and let me know. – SHARED ON FB AND TWEETED! JUST LETTING YA KNOW;)
I follow COM on Pintrest…AmyJ5565
I like Canvas Crop on FB.
Sharing on facebook and pinning on pinterest!!!!
I like Craft O Matic on FB.
I “liked” and “followed” all.. I am also sharing with all my crops/retreats friends!
I’m following Canvas Corp on FB! 😀
I’m following Craft-O-Maniac on FB!!! 😀
Just followed COM on pinterest!! whoopieee!
Thanks for this fun giveaway!
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
Hi! I follow Canvas Corp on Facebook (love them!)
I’m following COM on FB
I now follow Craft-o-Maniac on FB also 🙂
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I follow the Canvas Corp blog (does it matter that I have it on my Google Reader instead of through Networked Blogs?)
I spread the WORD, on FB for this giveaway!
I follow Craft-o-Matic on Pinterest!
YAY for Canvas Corp! I follow on Facebook!
I follow Canvas corp’s blog
I follow Craft-O-maniac on facebook. 🙂
“Liked” Canvas Corp on FB
“Liked” COM on FB!!
I follow Canvas Corp.on Facebook
Following Canvas Corp Blog!!
I’ve liked Canvas Corp for awhile now.
Following COM on Pinterest!!!
I follow Canvas Corp on FB
I now follow COM on FB.
I shared about the give away on my FB page!! Wow that was a lot!! lol, Thanks for the chance to win!!!!
Happy Crafting Hugs,
I read CAnvas Corp’s blog through Google Reader.
I follow canvas corp on fb!
I follow COM on FB
I follow COM on fb!
I follow canvas corp on fb!
I’m a CC blog follower!
Now I follow COM on pinterest.
New follower on Pinterest!!
Shared your giveaway on Facebook.
Thank you for the chance to enter and I think I just learned a little something about increasing blog following and increasing web presence, through this exercise. Thank you!
I’m following the Canvas Corp Blog
Following COM on Pinterest
Shared contest on FB
Such a wonderful prize. I’m new to Canvas Corp but it looks fabulous. I’m definitely going to follow you.
Such a wonderful prize. I’m new to Canvas Corp but it looks fabulous. I’m definitely going to follow you.
I already follow Canvas corp. on FB! Thanks for a chance to win fabulous products!
I liked Canvas Corp on FB long ago.
I liked COM on FB just now.
I like Canvas Corp on FB!
I like Craft-o-maniac on FB!
I follow Canvas Corp blog!
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB yay!
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’m following COM on Pinterest !
I spread the WORD, on twitter for this giveaway,
I also spread the word on FB for this giveaway
I am letting know.
This is an awesome giveaway thanks for the chance.
I follow Jennie-Craft-O-Maniac on Pinterest!
I shared on FB!
I tweeted!
I shared on Google Plus!
I’m following Canvas Corp on fb!!!
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB 🙂
I’m following COM on FB!!!!
I’m following Canvas Corps Blog!!!!
I’m following all your wonderful pins on Pinterest!!!!
I shared and spread the word on fb!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Already following Canvas Corp. on FB.
New follower on Pinterest!!
Following Canvas Corp. Blog
Shared your giveaway on Facebook
Shared your giveaway on Facebook
I follow Canvas corp on FB
I follow com on fb!
I liked COM on fb!!!!
Following COM. on FB
Follow COM’s Blog
I love Canvas Corp., so I did it all AND posted to FB!
I’m a blog follower!
I followed Canvas Corp on Facebook.
I followed COM on Facebook
I followed COM on Pinterest
I follow the Canvas Corp Blog
Following Canvas Corp and COM on FB.
Following both on Twitter.
Following both on Pinterest. Just retweeted your giveaway post on Twitter. Shared the post on FB too. Whew~all done!
I shared the link on Facebook.
I shared the link on Twitter.
I shared the link on Pinterest.
I follow canvas corp on facebook! Thank you for the chance to win!
I now follow COM on Facebook! Thank you for the chance to win!
Now I follow COM on pinterest. Thank you for the chance to win!
I follow Canvas corp on FB! 😀
I follow COM on FB! 😀
I am now following Canvas Corp on FB! 😀
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB 🙂
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB 🙂
as the song says I FOLLOWED YOU
“here, there and everywhere”
I love to scrap in canvas! looks so vintage!
thank you for doing this kind of givaways; Im having so much fun
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB 🙂
Hi Jen,
BEEN following COM on FB!
Shara @ Palmettos and Pigtails
Now I’m following Cancas Corp on FB.
I’m now following COM on Pinterest!
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB.
Laura M. from TX
I’m sharing about your giveaway on FB!
I tweeted about the giveaway! @Palms and Pigs
I follow on facebook
I follow on Facebook….
I’m now following Canvas Corp. on Facebook.
I’m now following COM on Facebook.
I follow on Facebook..
I’m now following Canvas Corps’ blog.
I’m now following COM on Pinterest.
I’ve tweeted as @Alterdartichoke about the giveaway.
I follow Canvas Corp on fb!
I have started following your awesome blog!!
i’m following on FB
i’m following on com
i’m followoing your blog
i’m following on pinterest
I follow COM on Pintrest!
I follow COM on FB!
I follow Canvas Corps blog!
I follow Canvas Corps on FB!
So, I’m following you everywhere…except for Twitter. I don’t twitter, but I am TWITTERPATED over the thought of winning such a great prize! lol Thanks for the chance. I can’t wait to follow your blog and check out your pins! 🙂
I am following Canvas Corp on FB!
Share on FB,
Following Canvas Corp on FB,awesome giveaway!
What an amazing giveaway – thanks for the chance to win.
I’m following Craft-O-Maniac,now,wondering why I hadn’t seen this Blog,love it!
1. done
2. done
3. done
4. done
5. done
I have done all my tasks! Keeping my fingers crossed.
I follow Canvas Corp on FB 🙂
I follow the Canvas Corp blog 🙂
I am following on Pinterest,also!
Ohhhhhhh what an awesome prize pkg!!! I follow COM on Facebook 🙂
I have “liked” COM on FB! Thanks for the chance to win!
I’m following COM on FB 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win! Such a generous prize.
I follow Canvas Corp on Facebook
Michelle Reaves
I’m following COM on Pinterest 🙂
Thank you for the chance to win some awesome crafty goodness!
I am following you (Craft-o-Matic) on Pinterest!
I spread the WORD, both on twitter and FB for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know 🙂
Thank you for the chance to win these goodies!
I’m following you on Pinterest 🙂
I am also following Com on FB,that’s alot of following, 😉
I follow the Canvas Corp Blog 🙂
I’m following your Blog 🙂
I shared on Twitter:
I’m now following you on Twitter as well. Thank you for the chance to win this awesome prize!!!
1. Done
2. Done
3. Done
4. Done
5. Done 🙂
I have spread the word all across the network land and now I am going to keep my fingers and toes crossed???!!!!
I follow your blog <3
I followed their blog <3
following Canvas Corp on Facebook
I ALREADY like you on Facebook
Following Canvas Corp Blog
I like Canvas Corp on Facebook
I followed you on Pinterest
Following COM on Facebook
Andddd I followed them on Pinterest
Following COM on pinterest
Spread the word via Twitter. Thanks for the opportunity to win
1. Done
2. Done
3. Done
4. Done
5. Done 🙂
I have spread the word all across the network land. Now I will keep my fingers and toes crossed????!!
AND last but not least, I shared it on Spool and Spoon’s Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/SpoolAndSpoonBlog
was following Canvas Corp on FB, now following COM on FB, following CVC blog, and COM on Pinterest!
And shared contest on FB!
I follow canvas corp on fb
I follow COM on fb.
I follow COM on pinterest.
shared the giveaway on fb
shared the giveaway on twitter
following Canvas Corp. on FB
following COM on FB
following Canvas Corps. BLOG
following COM on Pinterest
spread the WORD on my FB account, thanks for the chance to win:)
I follow Canvas Corp on FB!
I am following COM on FB!
I follow Canvas Corp’s blog on my Google Reader
I am a follower of COM on Pinterest!
Thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome prize!
I follow Canvas Corp. on FB.
I now follow COM on FB.wendyfellers@hotmail.com
Now I follow COM on pinterest. wendyfellers@hotmail.com
I shared about the giveaway on my FB wall.
I follow CC on their blog.
I follow COM on Pinterest and am loving it !!
I follow COM on FB.
I already follow Canvas Corp on FB.
i am following canvas corp on fb 🙂
i am following com on fb.. 🙂
Following Canvas Corp on Facebook
i am following canvas corps blog! 🙂
Following COM on Facebook
Shared on Facebook
Just so you know Jen,
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB yay!
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I love the product. Thanks
sorry don’t twitter.
Hi following canvas corp on fb
Hi following COM on fb
Shard about giveaway on my fb page
following CC blog
following COM on interest
I am following Cavas Corp on Face Book!
I am following COM on Face Book!
I am following the Canvas Corps Blog!!
I follow Canvas Gorp on Facebook:)
I am following COM on Pinterest!!
I follow COM on facebook:)
I follow your blog now:)
I am following COM on pinterest.
I spread the word on Face Book about this giveaway!
I follower Canvas Corp on FB
I follow COM on FB
I follow Canvas Corp Blog
I follow COM on Pintrest
I shared your giveway on FB
following COM on FB
I did everything you said I spread the word on twitter and facebook, I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB yay!
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’m following COM on Pinterest
I hopes I wins!
Following COM on FB
Following COM blog.Thanks
following COM on Pinterest
I shared the giveaway info on FB.
Now following Canvas Corp Blog.
I am following Canvas Corp on FB.
I am following COM on FB.
I am following COM on Pinterest.
Now following Canvas Corp on FB!
Already a follower of Canvas Corp on fb! cnighs at yahoo dot com
I am a new follower of COM on fb! cnighs at yahoo dot com
I am following canvas corp on facebook
I am sighned up for blog of CC
New follower on pin interest!
Posted onto my facebook!
I like craft-o-maniac on facebook!
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB
‘m following COM on Pinterest
Liked Canvas Corp on FB!
I Like Com on Facebook.
I like Canvas Corp on Facebook.
Like COM on FB!
I am following COM on Pinterest.
I tweeted about the contest. https://twitter.com/CarolDouglass1/status/235867915738550272
Following COM on Pinterest!
I shared a link to your site on FB today!
Canvas corp on FB? Check 🙂
Like Canvas Corp on FB? Check 🙂
Follow Canvas Corp on Pinterest? Check
I am following Canvas Corp. via FB! 🙂
I am following COM via FB. 🙂
I am following on Pinterest! 🙂
I have share on FB! 🙂
COM on FB? Check
COM on Pinterest? Check 🙂
Canvas corp FB’
CC blog followed
COM pinned
FB shared
ty for the opp
i following and like CC on fb
ty for the opportunity
i am following/liking your CC on fb
idont have pinterest but i did share the link on my timeline/fb ty
DONE i shared the link on my private scrapbookg group on facebook too heheheh
i “liked” craft o manic too who wouldnt thanks for the chance to win!
i am def following the blog of canvas corp! love this blog
following canvas corp on FB
Following COM on pinterest
Following Com on FB
I liked canvas corp on Facebook and spread the word about the giveaway! Thanks for the chance!!
I liked canvas corp on Facebook, and I spread the word about the giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
I followed com on pinterest!
I like com on facebook!
I follow com on pinterest.
I posted about you on faceb ook!!
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB 🙂
Following Com on Facebook
ii am a follower of Canvas Corp blog! thans
hi I am now following COM on Pinterest!
Hi I just shared your contest on FB tanks
I have shared this on facebook 🙂
I have tweeted!
I am following blogs 🙂
like canvas done!
Comment 834 here…. I am feeling lucky also following x 3 , have been for a very long time….
Liking CC on Fb 🙂
Liking COM on FB 🙂
Check. 🙂
Following on Pinterest 🙂
Love your blog, following that too 🙂
i am following canvas corps blog 🙂
following com on pinterest 🙂
shared on my facebook page.. 🙂
I follow COM on FB
I follow Canvas Corps on FB
I have done all 5! Love this giveaway, and love your site! 🙂
I follow COM on Pinterest
Followed you all over and shared the link- great product that is really inspiring! Thanks for the opportunity!
I follow on fb….
I following both’. Loving it….
I follow on fb….
I follow Canvas Corps blog
This looks like so much fun to play with! I am following Canvas Corp on FB and am following CanvasCorp blog. I am also following COM on FB and following the COM blog and I shared this giveaway on FB too!
I am now following Canvas Corp. on FB!
I am now following Craft-O-Maniac on FB!
I am now following the Canvas Corp. blog!
I am now following you on Pinterest – the source of unproductivity in my house… 😀
I have shared this on FB (Sue Puglia Sykes) and have also tweeted it (sugarskyes)
I am already a fan on canvas corp 🙂
I am now a follower on COM!! Thanks to my friend stephaine 🙂
Wow I am the 865th post. Am following Canvas Corp on FB. Thanks for the chance to win!!!
shared on FB 🙂
I am a huge fan of Canvas Corp. and like them on FB!
I follow the Craft-o-Maniac blog; so many great ideas!
I follow Canvas Corp. on Pinterest, too.
I’ve done everything plus spread the word via Facebook. Whoop-e, what a great giveaway!
Don’t think my comment went through, but I’ve done everything, inc. spreading the word by sharing here on Facebook. Thanks for the chance to win.
I follow Canvas Corp on FB!
I like Craft-O-Maniac on Fb!
I follow Canvas Corp blog! yay!
I follow COM on Pinterest ! 🙂
…and finally shared on my fb page: https://www.facebook.com/athanasiapap
Good luck everyone!
I follow Canvas Corp on FB
I shared a link to your site on FB.
I follow Canvas Corp on Pinterest!
I follow COM on FB
I follow Craft-O-Maniac on Pinterest!
I follow the Blog!
I’m following Canvas Corp’s blog!!
I “liked” COM on FB!!
I’m following you on Pinterest!
I’m a new follower of COM! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
“Like” Canvas Corp on FB!
Following COM on Pinterest. Thanks for the awesome giveaway Canvas Corp!
Amy M.
I follow Canvas Corp’s blog. Thanks for another chance to win! Amy M.
Also following Canvas Corp on FB!
Amy M.
What an amazing prize to give away, how generous of you
I am following Canvas Corp. on Facebook
Lastly – following COM on FB. Thanks again! Amy M.
I am following COM on facebook
I am following Canvas Corps. blog
WOW! That is one amazing prize pack! I’ve done all the steps and feel overwhelmed at all the creative projects and ideas I just saw! Creative juice overload! Thanks for the chance to win some of these amazing products!
I shared the info about it on FB
I like Canvas Corp on FB! And, I like this giveaway! Awesome!
I followed you on Pinterest!
I followed you on FB! Love this giveaway!
I followed Canvas Corp. on facebook & would love to win this awesome giveaway!
Already a COM FB fan!
I’m a C C FB fan as well 🙂
AND…I’m following COM on Pinterest. What a great giveaway. OH the things I could do with these products.
was already a fan of Canvas Corp on faebook 🙂
newbie fan of COM!
shared the giveaway on facebook!
following Canvas Corps networked blog page 🙂
definitely following you on Pinterest (am now off to lurk in detail) :):)
I follow Canvas Corp on FB!
I follow Canvas Corp on twitter!
I am following Canvas Corp on FB!
I am following Craft O Maniac on FB too!!
I am following Canvas Corps blog on Networked blogs!
I shared the giveaway on FB here:
I am following Craft O Maniac on Pintert as Kladd94803
I am Canvas Corp Blog
I am following COM on Pinterest
I shared this giveaway on Facebook
I spread the word on Twitter
Hi! I like Canvas Corp on FB!
Jen Davis, Wisconsin
I liked COM on Facebook! 🙂
Jen Davis, Wisconsin
I liked Canvas Corp on Facebook
I like COM on facebook!
I already follow you on Pinterest
Shared the giveaway on my blog
… and shared the giveaway on facebook. Crossing my fingers, this stuff is cute!
I already follow canvas corp on facebook…love their products!
I already follow canvas corp on facebook…love their products!
I already follow canvas corp on facebook…love their products!
I’m following COM on facebook!
following canvas corp blog too!
following COM on Pinterest!
I follow COM on FB
Im following Canvas Corp on FB
I follow COM on pinterest!
I tweeted!
I followed you on facebook!
I followed your on Pinterest
I followed you on the Blog as well
Followed CC on fb as well
I now follow Canvas corp Blog.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I now follow Canvas Corp on Pinterest. They have cool stuff!!!
I follow COM on Pinterest!
I like Canvas Corp. on FB!
Great giveaway! I did all 5 things on the list! {{crossing my fingers!}}
I’m following Canvas Corp. on FB
I’m following COM on FB
I’m following Canvas Corps. BLOG
I’m following COM on Pinterest (Love it!)
I spread the WORD, on Facebook for this giveaway, and I’m letting you know 🙂
Became a new follower of Canvas Corp On FB
I am now following you on
FB. That’s a good thing… 🙂
I am following Canvas Corp’s blog. Thanks for turning me on to this.
I am following Canvas corps blog.. I added their address to my reader. I don’t want to miss a day.
I shared this on my FB time line so everyone can know about this great giveaway.
I made sure I am following you on pinterest. Love all your great pins.
This comment has been removed by the author.
I follow COM on fb 🙂
I follow COM on pinterest!! 🙂
I follow the Canvas Corp. Blog now 🙂
I am following Canvas Corp. of fb! 🙂
I like Canvas Corp on Facebook
Username: Fatty Bumpkins
Thanks for the incredible giveaway 🙂
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
I like Craft-O-Maniac on Facebook
Username: Fatty Bumpkins
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
I am following you on Pinterest.
Username: missreneer 🙂
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
I “liked” Canvas Corp on FB
I “liked” COM on FB
Already Follow COM on Pinterest 😉
I follow Canvas Corp Blog
Posted Giveaway on my Blog http://twigandtwirls.blogspot.com
I am a Canvas Corp follower on FB!
I am one of your (COM) follower on Pinterest
Follower of Canvas Corp on Pinterest
Shared on FB
Follower of your blog
Follower of Canvas Corp blog too
I like canvas corp!
I follow Canvas Corp. on FB
I like Craft-O-Maniac on Fb
I follow COM on Pinterest
Hey Jen!
Thanks for hosting such a fab giveaway! I liked all 5 and am crossing my fingers, toes and anything else that can be crossed – that loot looks amazing!
Cheers ~ http://www.eatloveinspire.blogspot.com