the CAN I ? CAN!

MOMS~ HOW Many times a day do you hear the words “CAN I” … AND the question’s follow? MANY FOR ME! between my almost 5 year old and my 8 year old, it happens all day.


I started with my little Ryk’s fav. snack raisens …well AN EMPTY wiped out raisen can…..

NOW THE “CAN I’s” will be on WATCH! HE HE HE …. evil cackle here!

i cut out circles for the “CAN I” tokens and flowers from my cricut.

SO~ HOW IT WORKS: each kid gets “4” tokens a day. THAT MEANS they can only cash in “4” CAN I’S each day. It could be anything… CAN I go to a friends, CAN I have a snack, CAN I go in the pool! ONCE their “4” CAN I’s are used up…. THEY CAN’T BUG ME! HA! this will teach them to limit their so called needs wants and desires. Maybe their wants and needs will suddenly mean more to them. WILL see, but this mom can’t stand to hear CAN I …. all day  long!

Here is a basic HOW TO~ i used a sharp knife and cut out a thicker slit in the top of the lid. Then I spray painted the lid with black spray paint.

I cut scrap paper to size and mod podged it on the can, once dry i used my hot glue gun and glued on the paper flowers. 

i also hot glued some grow grain ribbon around the top and bottom of the can.

I embellished it on THE back of the CAN too it needs love.

AND IF my kids don’t like it…. WELL’ tough, “I’M MOM, and I CAN….. do what i want !!! 😉

BETWEEN THE BORED~BOARD AND THE “CAN I” can, this summer will be AWESOME… crossing fingers and knocking on wood now.

I have linked up with Jen at Tatortots and jello for her Weekend Wrap Up Party HERE Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Night Special HERE  A Vision to Remember for Check Me Out Saturday HERE.
and Under the Table and Dreaming for Sunday Showcase Party HERE.