Home, Comfort, Lifestyle

Terra Cotta Pot Mantel and Cottage Decor

Hello friends, its been sometime since I have shared my living room in our home. Therefore, I am sharing my “Terra-Cotta Pot Mantel and Cottage Decor.” We do have a living room that’s the first room you see and walk into in our home, and we have a family (tv room) downstairs. I have changed the living room a lot over the last several months. I have made it very cottage like, filled with vintage pieces like crocks, old terra-cotta pots, chippy old table legs, old chippy windows, and more. A lot of the items in my living room have been thrifted items, from antique stores and thrift stores. I just love chippy, vintage, and thrifted items, so that is what makes up my living room. 

The newest piece to grace my living room is one I have been wanting and hunting for a long time. That piece, is my vintage from the early 1900’s church pew. GASP! I’m so in love with it, it is 7 feet long and just gorgeous. I polished my church pew with some nice furniture polish and she was good to go. Below I am sharing some picture of this space and how I have decorated it. It has to be my most favorite room in the house…. next to my kitchen… which ironically the two are next to each other in my home. wink. 

Lets take a look at this space. Please if you have any questions about anything leave me a comment and I will be sure to reply. 

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Spring Terra Cotta Mantel and Decor

Everything on my mantel minus the green glass jugs, two small plants on the shelf, and the wreath have all been thrifted store finds. If you are swooning over that terra-cotta pot wreath let me tell you, that is a Walmart YES!’ Walmart wreath I got about two months ago. My Walmart still has them, so get in you car and drive to your nearest Walmart and run to the spring/farmhouse decor isle. Good luck. 

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What do you all think? I know for some this isn’t your style and it may be to much stuff too. However, if it is your style and vibe, I’d love to hear what you think? Creating a space does not have to be done in one day, my space took me nearly two years to get it where I want it. Right now its my most favorite it has ever been. Your space can also be creating on a small budget by thrifting, up-cycling, painting, and adding in the old with the new, which happens to be my favorite way to decorate all my spaces.

Thank you all for checking out my post today. xo jen

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