{Sparkly Skull Garland and Krylon Glitter Blast Giveaway }
Hello there- I am so thrilled to share with you all this amazing product from Krylon. What can be more awesome then already fabulous colors from Krylon…. UMMM (clearing throat)
GLITTER BLAST SPRAY PAINT! HELLO- did we just say glitter! I am a true girly girl so this product is an absolute favorite of mine.
Here is what I did with some of my Glitter Blast Spray Paint.
The Garland is hanging on my Spooktified Entry Mirror.
2 nd entry- Follow-COM on FB
3 rd- entry- Follow COM-if you already do, I love you, and you rock BIG TIME, just let me know.
4 th- because everyone loves Happy Birthday’s wishes and today is mine.- You can wish me one (smiles) and being extra creative with it… has its perks. XO
Hi! I follow krylon on FB! (alexis eisenhart)
sixela217 at yahoo.com
I like Krylon on FB
I like/follow COM on FB
I follow COM on FB! (alexis eisenhart)
sixela217 at yahoo.com
Follow your awesome blog! Love it.
I also follow COM blog and looove all your ideas! Thanks for doing what you do!
sixela217 at yahoo.com
Happy 21st birthday! Hope your day is filled with lots of chevron cupcakes!
sixela217 at yahoo.com
I guess someone has to be first right? I follow Krylon on FB.
I follow COM on FB.
I follow your blog. And it is a great blog indeed.
Happy HAPPY Birthday Jen!! May you live to be so old that your driving terrifies people!!
HAPPY BIRHTDAY!!!!!!! I follow Krylon and of course you! i love your crafts and always look forward to your emails! would love to win this product im addicted to glitter and spray paint! xoxox Ashley Shelton
“Happy B-day to you! Happy B-day to you! Your skulls are so Spooky, Happy B-day to you!”
Love these and I am a follower of COM Please stop by and say hello- I just celebrated my b-day too!Have a great day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! i follow Krylon and you of course! i love your craft ideas and always look forward to your emails! I would love to win this becuase im addicted to glitter and spray paint! xoxoxo Masons Mama
I follow krylon on fb
I have been a follower of you on fb for a while
Happy Birthday!!
I am already a follower of Krylon on Facebook!
I am now following COM on Facebook!
I am already following your blog!!!
Happy birthday! I hope you have a great one!!
I follow Krylon on FB.
I follow COM on FB.
Blog follower!
Happy Birthday, Jen!! I hope you have a great one. And I love the glitter skulls! So fun!
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I follow you on FB
I follow Krylon on FB
.h.a.p.p.y. .b.i.r.t.h.d.a.y. .j.e.n.
What are you trying to do to me Jen?Lol. Must have glitter spray paint now! So Awesome.
That turned out really cute! I’m a new liker of Krylon (and I saw your a contestant on CWTS!–congrats and good luck!)
I’m a follower of your blog
And happy-happy-birthday to you!!
Ooooh so fun! I love glitter! I followed Krylon on fb and COM on fb! Whoot
Happy Birthday! Have a cupcake!
( ^*^*^*^*^)
I follow COM on facebook!
i like Krylon on FB!
I follow COM blog!
I don’t know that I can be quite creative but I will wish you a Happy Birthday.
Like Krylon on FB. chefl@swbell.net
Following Craft-o-Maniac on FB. chefl@swbell.net
Subscribed to your emails. chefl@swbell.net
I like Krylon on FB
Happy Birthdayyyyy!!!!!!!!!! And happy crafting. :).
I like COM on FB
I am a follower!!
Happy Happy Birthday!!!
I am a fan of key on on FB
Sara Haga Gore
Happy Birthday!! I hope you gave a spectacular day!!!!
I follow your blog!!!
Fan of your FB page
Sara Haga Gore
I like Krylon on FB.
I like you on FB.
I’m already a follower of yours.
Happy Birthday, Jen! Hope you’re having a fantabulous day!
Glitter blast spray? Be still my beating heart!!! I’ve been dreaming of a product like this. So thrilled that it’s finally arrived. Thanks Krylon!! I’m going to be glitter blasting just about everything in sight!
I follow Krylon on FB.
Thanks for the giveaway Jen!
Jenn/Rook No. 17
I am a fan of Krylon on FB
I am a fan of yours on FB
I am a faithful follower of COM
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday filled with blessings and all things glittery! (can you hear me singing Happy Birthday in my best Marilyn Monroe voice?) LOL!
I follow COM on Facebook.
I’m a follower of COM with GFC.
I follow all three.
Crafty birthday tidings:
May the joys of this birthday
Stick like Glue
Sparkle like Glitter
Spread like a Satin Paint
And shine like Diamond Glaze!
I am a fan of both pages! And I hope you have a SPECTACULAR BIRTHDAY! Mine was on the 19th, so us Virgos need to stick together
I follow Krylon on FB!!!
I follow COM!!!
Happy Birthday O Maniac to you!!! ; )
I follow Krylon on Facebook!!!!
Hey jen,
I’m a follower of COM on Facebook
I follow COM on facebook too!
I am a follower of your AWESOME COM Blog!!!
I already stalk/follow COM’s blog…duh!
And BEST of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have the most wonderful day ever!!
I’m already a fan of COM on FB
I’m already a fan of COM on FB
I am now following Krylon on FB
I am now following Krylon on FB
I follow COM
I follow COM
Happy Birthday!!! Maybe with all of this Krylon Glitter Blast you can bling out your jazzy old lady scooter and impress all the gals at the retirement village
hahahaha. Happy Birthday!!!
LOVE your garland! Super cute and i LOVE LOVE LOVE this giveaway!
I follow krylon on fb
i like com on fb
Of course i follow the com blog
Happy Birthday beautiful crafting mama! May all your days be full of glitter & love and may your crafts always be fabulous & ROCK (as they already do)
PS I’m a September baby too and we most certainly ROCK
Happy Birthday beautiful crafting mama! May all your days be full of glitter & love and may your crafts always be fabulous & ROCK (as they already do)
PS I’m a September baby too and we most certainly ROCK
HAPPY BIRTHDAY pretty lady! I hope it is full of glitz and glam and lots of snuggles from you babies and hubby! Here’s to crafting all day, no housework/cooking/cleaning!
I follow-COM on FB
I Follow COM blog!
Happy Birthday love! I celebrated mine on Sunday. September babies are the best!!!
Glitter?!? This is pretty much the coolest things ever! I LOVE the sparkly skulls!
Also, someBUNNy wants to wish you a very Happy Birthday!
() ()
( . )
May all your birthday wishes come true!
Also, I follow COM blog and COM on FB. I now follow Krylon on FB, as well.
I follow Krylon- Happy birthday
I also follow you on FB!!! I’m obsessed with this glitter paint right now– need. more.
I follow you!!
I like Krylon on FB!
I like COM on FB!
I follow COM religiously! = )
Hope you’re having an amazing day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Hope your day is full of glitter, sparkle and fun! Happy Birthday!
I follow you & Krylon on FB.
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a glittery day!
Hello~ I follow Krylon FB page and let them know you sent me!
Have a great day.
I follow you through GFC and FB…love to see all the fun things you do.
fB follower, heck ya!
have a great day!
Liked Krylon on facebook! Thanks for the giveaway!
Follow you on facebook!
I follow via google!
Happy, happy birthday!!!
I follow Krylon on FB!
And I follow you on FB!
happy happy birthday Jenn!
hope you had a great one!
Thanks for an awesome give away, your skulls are FABULOUS!!!
I’m a krylon follower! love their paints!!!
follow you on FB! yay!
have followed you for quite some time now! Thanks so much for all the inspiration you share with us!
♥.•*¨*•♫♪Happy Birthday Jen ♪♫•*¨*•.♥
I follow your wonderful blog!
I follow COM on FB,
I follow Krylon on FB.
I follow krylon on facebook
….and I follow COM on Facebook….
and of course I follow your blog
Hey Jen, Happy Birthday to you and thanks for all the creative fun! I spent the afternoon with a can of Krylon Blast orange and a charger plate and am making the Halloween project you showed. I am following COM (but of course) and Krylon.
…. and even if it wasn’t an entry i would still wish you a Super, Happy, Fabulous, Crafty, Glittery Exciting, Fun, Family and Friend Filled,Amazing, Groovy, Mind Blowing,Thrilling, Fascinating, interesting, Captivating, Inspiring, Motivating, Lively, Cheerful, and all around GREAT BIRTHDAY
I like Krylon on Facebook!
Of course I already follow you on Facebook!
I have been following your blog forever! Love it:)
Happy Happy Birthday Jen dear, happy days will come to you all year! If I had a wish then it would be a happy happy Birthday to you From ME!
Have a fabulous day!! I hope you get to do something fun for yourself:)
I follow Krylon on FB
COM FB follower!
Blog follower! Love COM!!!
Wishing you a craft happy day filled with lots of blessings
Lots of birthday wishes from Minnesota!
I follow Krylon on Facebook!
allyfrey27 at gmail dot com
I like COM on Facebook (and in real life:) )
allyfrey27 at gmail dot com
I am a loyal fan and subscriber to COM blog!
allyfrey27 at gmail dot com
Wishing you an extra creative birthday for an extra creative girl! Hope you create something awesome today because some years ago today your mom created something awesome!
I follow you on FB and on here. I also like’d Krylon on FB!
I also am eating a big ol slab of pumpkin bread in honor of your birthday right now!!
I Like/Follow COM here and on Facebook. Here’s to a truly sparkly day, with everything going your way!
I am following Krylon Crafts on Facebook (Kari N Steven Howell).
I am following Craft-O-Maniac on Facebook (Kari N Steven Howell).
I am following you via GFC and email subscriber!
Happy Birthday you maniac!!!
I follow Krylon and COM on FB… was already a follower of the blog (duh!) and you should have an awesome birthday, because you’re an awesome person.
I liked key on on FB!
I liked you on FB
I follow COM!
I am a long time follower of your blog and love it!
1 2 3 o’clock 4 o’clock rock
5 6 7 o’clock 8 o’clock rock
9 10 11 o’clock 12 o’clock rock
Were gonna rock around the clock tonight
Lets celebrate with your birthday song lots of fun and laughs you can’t go wrong it’s your favorite sundae (virtual) in a dish now it’s time to make a birthday wish we’re gonna rock were gonna rock around the clock tonight!!! woooo!
(sang to the rock around the clock song at my grandparents 50’s themes diner) Hope you enjoyed and had a great birthday! ( and that it made sense lol)
I “liked” krylon on FB
Here is a BDay song for you…… Happy birthday to you(cha cha cha), happy birthday to you(cha cha cha), happy birthday Jennie, happy birthday to you (cha cha cha)!
Happy Birthday Jen !!! Wish you a successful year ahead
Liked Krylon too !!
I follow COM on Facebook
I follow the fabulous COM blog via email!
Happy Happy Crafty Birthday to youuuuuuuuuu!
I’m now following Krylon on Facebook. I’m so excited about the Glitter Blast products! I mean, glitter spray paint…come ON. How much more awesome can you get?!? Thanks for showing them off
I’m already a follower here! I need this since I just made sparkly skulls last week. Though they came out cute, they were a mess to make. This would save me going forward. http://directionsnotincluded.blogspot.com/2011/09/this-is-halloween-sparkly-skulls.html
I like Krylon on Facebook!
And I like your FB now too!
I am now following Krylon on facebook
I’m a long time follower of your blog
Happy Birthday Jen! I love reading your blog and seeing all the amazing things you come up with. I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating
Follow Krylon on FB!!
Happy Happy Birthday from
I follow COM on FB!
all of us to you!
we wish it was our birthday
so we could party too!!!
Happy Birthday Jen!!! Your so stinkin cute in that mirror!
OH and LOVE your wreath! 
I’m now following COM on FB! YAY
Kari Palmer
I like Krylon on FB
I am now following COM on FB
I am now following COM on FB
I am now a follower of your blog
I am following Krylon on FB
Happy Happy b-day Jen! Now only if Krylon made some sparkly edible spray paint for a cake!
I’m totally already a very faithful follower! I love that you love Halloween!!!
I follow Krylon on FB as Tabitha Swain Klucking.
I follow you on fb!
Happy, Happy Birthday! May your spray can of Krylon always be full of plenty of glitter and your days be a blast!
I follow Krylon on facebook:)
Of course I follow your blog:)
Happy happy birthday!!! You don’t look a day over 21:) Hope you get lots of sparkly (diamond) stuff for your birthday!!
I follow Krylon on FB
I follow you on FB too!
I follow your awesome blog
Wishing you a super Happy belated birthday!
Happy belated birthday to you! Love the skulls and the glittery paint! I liked Krylon on FB.
I follow COM on FB.
I already follow your blog.
Silly me! I already wished you a happy birthday without realizing it counts as a separate entry. So, uh, happy birthday again! I hope it was a great one full of lots of glittery skulls and dead things.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (belated!) That’s my daughter’s birthday also and we went out to her college to surprise her (6 hours away) with brownies from home. She was getting home sick and needed a pick me up so we went!! Hope yours was enjoyable!!
Following you and Krylon on FB (even with the new look & settings). Have you both tagged to show on my News Feed!! YEY so happy I figured out how to get that fixed!! I’ve never seen this stuff and wanna know where you got it!? Our Lowes home store is the only place to get Krylon here and they don’t have it. I wantie wantie me some of that yummy looking stuff! LOVE your garland and mirror BTW!!
I am a fan of Krylon’s on Facebook!
-Sew Woodsy
I am a fan of Craft-O-Maniac on Facebook!
-Sew Woodsy
I’m a loyal follower of Craft-O-Maniac!
-Sew Woodsy
Happy belated Birthday!!!
Sew Woodsy
I follow you and will continue to do so. have a Happy and colorful and wonderful superb birthday today!
Have a very colorful,wonderful, superb birthday day!
I follow Krylon on facebook…as anna violette……
I like cm on fb as anna violette
I now follow you via email ……….
Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you, your covered in Glittter and decoupage too…………………Happy Crafting.. Anna Violette
I follow Krylon on FB!
I follow you on FB!!
I’m one of your enablers!
Here’s to a magnificant birthday!!!
I’m folling Krylon on fB who knew???
Ive been folling you forever!! and love ya on fb
Happy Happy birthday its mine as well but I hope your not 41 like me uugghhh time just moves on.
I did all the above contest requirements! Happy Birthday! Check out my favorite birthday picture: http://bit.ly/qyvVY5
I follow Krylon on FB as Sandy Hardman.
I follow COM on FB as Sandy Hardman.
I follow COM through GFC.
Happy slightly belated birthday!
Happy bday! Mine was the 19th
Hope u didn’t spray ur cake with any of that paint, lol. I’m following you on here and on Facebook, and of course I’m following Krylon too, it’s how I found out about this page and the giveaway
and now…
Ooooohhhh happy happy birthday, oh happy happy birthday, oh happy happy happy happy happy happy birthday to yooooouuuuu!!!!! It’s party time!!!
I follow Krylon on FB! (K Marley Christensen)
I like COM on FB!
I follow COM~!
I follow Krylon on FaceBook
I follow COM on FaceBook
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, may each get better and better until your next one, enjoy!!!!!!
I love COM!!!!!!
I am a follower of Krylon on FB
(Hope your birthday is great!)
I am a follower of COM on FB
(Happy Birthday…did I say have a great birthday..I meant a really fun and exciting birthday!)
I’m a COM blog follower.
(Happy Birthday to you- did I say have a fun and exciting brthday? I meant to have a wonderful explosive unforgetable brthday!)
(did I say have an unforgetable birtthday? I meant HAVE A BLASTAFIC, COPS COMING TO HE HOUSE, STREAMERS FLYING, GLITTER EVERYWHERE, VIDEOS THAT WILL SHOW UP ON YOU TUBE TOMORROW KIND OF BIRTHDAY…..you can give all your guests a can of the new glitter spray by Krylon and take care of the glitter everywhere part, and if I win, I can come film the footage for the You Tube feed…lol…wink wink….
Found your blog and LOVE it!
I’m following it.
I follow COM on FB.
Happy belated Birthday! It’s never too late.
I follow COM on FB.
Follow on FB
Long time follower and love it
Happy Boo day
Happy Birthday Jen!
Just found your blog and am blown away with the fantastic ideas…heading to Dollar Tree to get some skeleton heads and then to Wallyworld to get some fabric…gonna be a busy girl tomorrow putting it all together…found the subway art on Pinterest as well…(love that Pinterest).
Hope your birthday is fun
Hi! I like krylon on FB!
I like cm on fb!!
Follow COM for a while now. Love this skull garland! I really hope my dollar store has skulls.
Happy Birthday!!!
I follow COM on FB!!!!
Happy Birthday….I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Thanks for the great give away. I sooooo need some Glitter Blast
I’m already a follower.
Follow Krylon on Facebook!
Follow you on facebook too!
I follow Krylon on Facebook!
I also follow you on facebook (rebekah lewis)
I follow you on fb!!!!
I follow Krylon on FB!! Whoot Whoot
Hope you had a spooktacular birthday!!!
I follow your amazing blog!
I follow Krylon on FB.
I follow you on FB.
Happy Happy Birthday to you!
I’m already a COM FB follower!
Hope you had a fantastic 32nd Birthday! Just so you know you don’t even look close to your age
I’m now a Krylon FB Fan. I hope to find their paint in a store by me soon! No more glitter and glue for me
As always a loving COM follower of your blog. Enjoying your Halloween decor