Hi there YA’LL-
OK- I am going to answer this question I get alot- via email. 😉
“WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR LONG SHELF?” HA- you guys crack me up. OK’ TRULY its fab. though right? TO ANSWER YOU all- “I GOT IT ON “CRAIGS LIST” under “HOUSEHOLD” LOVE CRAIGSLIST!
an elderly woman was selling the beaut. Its about 11 feet long- KILLER AWESOME LONG. I bought it, you all are going to die……….. for $25.00 dollars. Why do I say you will die? Well it is solid Knotty Pine wood. The smaller shelf’s in the craft stores with only 2 to 4 faux drawers un-finished wood.. sale for anywhere between $49.00 and $89.00 dollars and they are only 2 to maybe 6 feet long. Ok’ really I am not trying to rub it in. EEEK! I TOTALLY SCORED. I told that elderly woman “I AM COMING TO GET IT TODAY!” I didn’t want anyone else snatching it…. there was me driving down the road in my Durango with this monster hanging out the back hatch window…. I was whistling a happy tune, smiling from ear to ear… HE HE…
I painted the shelf and knobs with black satin spray paint. I, of course had to cover all seven faux drawers first with painters tape and then I painted the faux drawers “Bleach Sand” acrylic paint. I sanded the whole thing everywhere including the knobs and faux drawers.

I freakin love your shelf! I told the hubs he must make me one for Valentines Day! He chuckled and said o.k. We will see if that happens 😉
I love that shelf. Good find on Craigslist.
Craigslist ROCKS!!!
PLUS you redid it wonderfully! Of course 🙂
I so jealous!! I’d love to have something like that over my double window in my living room. Hhhmmm, sounds like a wood working project for the hubs! LOL! Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog. They mean more than you know!
Love that shelf – I think this spring when the weather warms up, I’m going to try and duplicate it – its so darling!
WOW that is so neat!!! I love your little banner hanging from it to : )
AHHh!!! you totally read my mind, I spend an hour today on google with things like “curtain shelf” “long shelf”…lol…I’m so happy you posted this!! Now I just need to find an old lady to sell me one….
Nice score!
I love craigs list!!
Jen!! My friend used to have a shelf that she made that was similar to that…I always coveted it! 🙂
Thanks for your sweet comment…I have been MIA for a little bit, but I am back again! 🙂
I hope that you are doing well!
Jenn {redberrybarn}
Cute Cute Cute!!!!!!! Did I mention Cute!!????
I love that shelf…I’ve already talked to my husband about building one 🙂
Sounds like we will all have very busy husbands the next little while! Def going on the “Pretty Please with Sugar on Top” list!!