Halloween Tree with Treetopia and Some DIY Kings and Queens
Hello all my friends, EEEE! I am so excited for this post and to finally get to share my “Halloween Tree with Treetopia and Some DIY Kings and Queens” in this Treetopia Halloween DIY Campaign. YAY! I have teamed up with Treetopia and “7” other talented influencer’s to showcase our DIY skills. We all picked out trees (here is mine) some in fun colors too, and were challenged to make our own Halloween ornaments and then decorate our trees. So darn fun, this Treetopia Influencer Hop is running for five days- starting September 24th through September 28th. Each day another Influencer is posting their fun, fab, spooktacular tree…. and mine is today.
Also, coming this October us influencer’s will be promoting Treetopia’s first ever TV commercial, and we will be sharing some behind the scenes photos from the commercial shoot that will be on their SM channels leading up to the TVC release. Stay tuned for all that fun too.
Below I will be sharing my somewhat traditional “DIY Halloween Vintage Tree”, and then be sure to check out my social media specifically my Instagram account for a fun quiz and Treetopia giveaway contest.
OK’ Treetopia time.
Below are two videos, one where I share how I made all the ornaments and the other one is a video of the tree just after I took all these pictures with the DIY and embellished ornaments. I decided to add in some metal Halloween stars I have had for years and then I added in some witch brooms I found at the dollar spot at Target. To see both fun festive videos be sure to check out the videos.
Also be sure to again check out my Instagram for the Giveaway contest, as well as the other Kings and Queens in the Halloween Treetopia Influencer campaign.
White isn’t a color I go to immediate for Halloween, but I think now I will!
I absolutely LOVE all the touches on your tree.
I didn’t think so either… but when you really thing about it, black, white, and orange are totally Halloween. Wink. Thanks for the love and visit. Jen
I love decorating trees, even in the fall season, and these are some great ideas!